Doc Walker, seen here in a past concert, will perform on Nov. 22 with Sawyer Brown, Lonestar and guest George Canyon. (Supplied photo)
Events gearing up at Keystone Centre The Keystone Centre had a busy sum- mer hosting community events and sup- porting local charities, but that was just the warm up - now with hockey and events back in full swing, The Keystone Centre is ready to host you for an excellent event experience. A few new upgrades include a recent partnership with Ticketmaster and a parking lot renovation, both of which aim to make attending an event easier and more accessible. 22nd and 23rd) and the Brandon Wheat Kings regular season is underway. Look- ing ahead to 2023, The Keystone Centre is ready to host tradeshows and conferences after a long-awaited return to in-person events. BY KRISTIN MARAND It has been great to see events slowly coming back to the Keystone Centre, and we are looking forward to a full events calendar for 2023.”
“It has been great to see events slowly coming back to the Keystone Centre, and we are looking forward to a full events cal- endar for 2023,” says McKenzie. “Natural- ly, we have some great live events sched- uled in the coming months, but more than anything we are excited to see our annual clients like Manitoba Ag Days, Da- kota Nation Winterfest, the Arabian Horse show, among many others, come back home to the Keystone Centre.” For more information or to see their calendar of events visit keystonecentre. com
“The Keystone Centre is consistently working on improving our facility, and the long-needed renovation of our east park- ing lot is among those improvements,” says Jared McKenzie, Keystone Centre di- rector of marketing & ticketing. “The facil- ity has also installed a brand new surveil- lance system, and is continuing to work on other material improvements that will have a positive impact on the experience of everyone visiting the facility.” In the past two months, The Keystone Centre has been a hub for community events such as Food Truck Warz, Ribfest, community BBQs and Brandon’s largest garage sale. Ribfest raised funds for Volt Hockey, a Variety Manitoba program, and the garage sale benefitted United Way. The Construction Association of Rural Manitoba hosted a charity BBQ in sup- port of the YWCA while building a new
Two notable events on the horizon are a full evening of country music on Novem- ber 22nd featuring Sawyer Brown, Lon- estar, Doc Walker and George Canyon. McKenzie says that the response to the four-band bill has been incredible and sales have exceeded expectations. The other is the rescheduled Stars on Ice Hol- iday show that has Kurt Browning, Elvis Stojko, Jeffrey Buttle and more coming to town on December 13th. Fall markets supporting local artisans are back at the Keystone Centre for two weekends in October (15th & 16th and
shed for the charity in the Keystone Cen- tre parking lot. “A major aspect of the impact the Key- stone Centre has in Brandon and Western Manitoba is through our work with char- ities,” says McKenzie. “As a non-profit ourselves, we understand the importance of these organizations, and whether it is through food donation, supplying venue space for fundraisers, or partnering on events, supporting non-profits is a vital part of our mission to improve the expe- rience of people living in Brandon and Western Manitoba.”
Ticketmaster app logo on a smartphone screen.
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