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“We don’t have people that can show up from 10 minutes away to look at a property, someone might be coming from Regina or Winnipeg, even driving in from Brandon can take hours. You do have a plan and this is part of that plan- ning.” As someone who was born and raised in the area, Barnett said it’s heartwarm- ing to hear the reasons why people are looking to own a cottage in her community. “It’s so wonderful to meet people and learn about where they come from and what has been the draw for them to decide that this is where they want to be,” Bar- nett said. “I am very fortu- nate to have an opportunity every day to meet someone new and help them tran- sition to something that they’ve been dreaming about.”
The real estate market in cottage country is different than those in more urban areas, Barnett said, as there are so many different rea- sons why someone decides to purchase a cottage. Buyers are usually less set on one particular area as they are on what they’re looking for in a property, such as a year-round cottage versus seasonal, lakefront views, the size and the price point, Barnett said. “It is such a diverse mix of people who come here, which is why not one prop- erty is the same as the next,” Barnett said. “You’re coming here for a lifestyle … [the property] has to strike you, you have to be able to envi- sion yourself enjoying it the way you’ve dreamed of.” If this is the year you’ve decided to take the leap into
cottage living, Barnett said it’s always a good idea to start with your team of pro- fessionals. Getting pre-qualified with a lender allows you to work within your budget, Barnett said, and having a lawyer and an agent to advise you can help the process go smoother. “Going in green without having those three things
worked out does make it a little bit more difficult. If you are in the situation where you fall in love with some- thing and are competing against somebody, you’re coming to the table a little bit late.” Having an agent who can tailor a search of properties toward what you’re looking for also keeps showings on task and efficient, she added.
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