THE BRANDON SUN • YOUR HOME YOUR WAY • SATURDAY, MAY 6, 2023 Three elements to consider when buying a waterfront property
Do you want to buy a home near the sea, close to a river or on a lake? Whether you’re considering building or buying an existing home, there are several things you need to know before moving near water. HIGH PRICE TAG Homes with direct access to the water usually have a high price tag. For example, maintaining a dock or seawall adds to the total cost of the property. You don’t get that same easy access with a water-view property and may have to rent a space for your boat if you enjoy water activities. INCREASED RISK Although properties near water offer beautiful scenery, they come with added risks, including frequent repairs due to wind and possible flooding. Moreover, your insurance premium will likely increase and should be factored into your budget. PROXIMITY TO SERVICES Not all properties near water have the same access to certain services, such as drinking water, electricity, internet and local shops. Additionally, being close to the water doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be able to use a boat. Some municipalities prohibit gas- powered watercraft because of noise and safety concerns. Are you looking forward to owning a waterfront property? Contact a real estate broker or contractor to help you find your dream home.
What’s a pre-purchase inspection?
Investing in a pre-purchase in- spection is an essential step when buying a property. Here’s what it involves. WHY YOU SHOULD INVEST IN AN INSPECTION A pre-purchase inspection aims to identify any problems with the property you’re looking to buy. This information can help you negotiate a better sale price or even consider withdrawing your offer to purchase. In short, it tells you the exact con- dition and value of the home you’re bidding on.
out. This includes the electrici- ty, plumbing, foundation, heating system, siding, roofing and venti- lation. It’s important to note that a pre-purchase inspection cannot detect hidden defects but may point to signs of them. Once complete, the inspector will send you a written report with their observations. The report will detail the condition of the inspect- ed areas and indicate those that weren’t checked and why. The re- port may also recommend work, like replacing the home’s windows or roof. To ensure you’re getting the facts and making the best decision, hire an experienced, trustworthy inspector.
The inspector will examine the home’s condition, both inside and
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