2023 Special Supplement
Royal Fair bringing back the smiles
Hello and welcome to the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair. For over 100 years the agricul- tural society — known as the Pro- vincial Exhibition of Manitoba — has been producing agricultural fairs and exhibitions, for the pur- pose of connecting people. Ear- ly fairs were a means to connect with livestock dealers, machinery dealers and to receive education on best practices for raising live- stock, producing crops and pre- serving food for the home. Fairs and exhibitions were and continue to be a means to build strong communities inclusive to all. Fairs have a significant impact of the local economy. They are a means of entertainment, oppor- tunities to meet your neighbours, eat some fair food, listen to music and smile for a while.
This year our theme is Show us your smiles! which is a nod to the end of the masks, the chance to gather again and to show that you are enjoying the great event we have worked hard to produce. These events couldn’t happen without volunteers; leading up to and during this fair there are hun- dreds of volunteer and staff hours. I would like to thank every one of them for the hours and years of dedication to our organization. If you are interested in joining us, I invite you to go to our web- site and look for opportunities to get involved. We welcome you! So, show us your smiles! Meet new friends and enjoy your visit to the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair! Kathy Cleaver President, Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba
Kathy Cleaver President, Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba
Enjoy your visit to Royal Manitoba Winter Fair
The shear number of moving parts to this event is astonishing. So far, it’s been an invigorating learning curve as the new gen- eral manager. The Provincial Ex- hibition of Manitoba, and I are extremely blessed to have a truly dedicated team of staff who work tirelessly to bring this event to town. Thankfully, all public events of this size and stature attract ev- ery age group and denomination through the gates. Our collective goal is to welcome and encourage every guest and exhibitor into our Royal Manitoba Winter Fair family. We would also like to gently offer a little educational insight into the agricultural community. Entertain you with equestrianism, culture, music, comedy, good food and re- tail therapy.
Our partners and sponsors from the surrounding business commu- nities have once again rallied with much needed support. A sincere shout out of gratitude to you all. The overwhelming group of dedicated directors and volunteers underpin the core strength of this cherished fair. My personal thank you goes out to you all for the help, guidance and genuine support. Your kindness is a testament to our “Friendly Manitoba” slogan. Why do we do it? The Love of the Fair is the answer. Please reward all our volunteers and staff by ful- filling this year’s key message and “Show us your smiles.”
Mark Humphries General manager Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba
Mark Humphries General manager, Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba
Volunteers are the key to our success
We would like to wel- come you to the 2023 Roy- al Manitoba Winter Fair. Each year the directors and staff of the Provincial Exhi- bition of Manitoba plan for months to bring you this great event. Our theme for 2023 is Show us your smiles. We ask that you bring your smile to this year’s event and show it off. With the fantastic sup- port of our many sponsors and volunteers we have put together a show that you can enjoy for days. Enjoy our Royal Food Court in the Manitoba Room with regular enter-
tainment. Wednesday is our RBC Family Day, see our website for special pricing and entertainment. The amphitheatre has a packed schedule all week that will be sure to entertain the whole family. Fusion Credit Union WoofJocks perform multiple times a day. Be sure to visit the Ag Education stage. Our feature horse shows provide great competition and animal elegance at both ends of the facility. Our major horse shows would not be possible without the support of Wawanesa Insurance, PlayNow.com, Prairie Ram dealers, ATCO
Royal Manitoba Winter Fair co-chairs Wayne Buhr, left, and Clint Swain.
and Manitoba Agriculture. The cattle show features the best of our youth hon- ing their skills. During the week our many volunteers work hard with the support of compa- nies like MazerGroup who keep our staff and volun- teers equipped with New Holland equipment. You, our patrons and ex- hibitors, are key to the suc- cess of the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair. We simply ask you to show us and our spon- sors your smiles when you come. Sponsors large and small make it possible for
us to bring you the smiles. On behalf of Clint and Wayne — the co-chairs of the Royal Manitoba Win- ter Fair — enjoy our event, laugh, learn and show your gratitude to the volunteers, sponsors and exhibitors who have come together to bring you a great show. Come and enjoy the fair all week. Clint Swain Co-chair, Royal Manitoba Winter Fair Wayne Buhr Co-chair, Royal Manitoba Winter Fair
Jayden Stettner and Ielinea JTL compete for the ATCO Cup at the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair at Westoba Place. (File/The Brandon Sun)
Clover and their handler Ella Usher-Jones compete in a WoofJocks Canine All Stars barrel race at the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair at Westoba Place. (File/The Brandon Sun)
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Karissa Enders and Fort Knox WF compete in the RBC Challenge at the Westoba Place Main Arena in 2022. (File/The Brandon Sun)
‘Show us your smiles’ at this year’s Royal Manitoba Winter Fair
BY JILLIAN AUSTIN Local Journalism Initiative
demic. “We’re looking forward to seeing people back. We’ve gone two years and sev- eral months after that in masks,” said Mark Hum- phries, general manager of the Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba. “We’re really looking forward to seeing those smiles because it’s payback for everything that you do, to see our young-
sters come through the door.” The winter fair is one of Western Canada’s largest agricultural events, and one of only two fairs in Canada to receive Royal designation from Queen Elizabeth II. The in-person event was cancelled in 2020 and 2021 due to the pan- demic. In 2022, they were able to host the fair again
although it was a bit of a scramble to get it ready in time, Humphries said. “They actually had five weeks to put on this event, which was just a sheer mir- acle for the staff and the volunteers,” he said. “They managed to pull the fair off, which was great. People were so happy to be back.”
The Royal Manitoba Win- ter Fair is back in full force, and organizers are encour- aging visitors to “Show us your smiles.” The tagline for the event comes after years of can- celled events, masks and the uncertainty of navigat- ing through a global pan-
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Karen Sandford, produc- tion manager and host with the WoofJocks Canine All Stars recalls the 2022 event being a “mixed bag” of emo- tion. “We were excited about being back out and per- forming again, but you’re wearing these masks all the time and...(COVID-19) is still very, very much in your mind,” she said. “There’s crowds of people, you’ve got your mask on, but you’re leery. I think things will be different this year. I’m glad that the fair is coming out in full force again.” Provincial Ex board pres- ident Kathy Cleaver said they are delighted to be able to host the pinnacle event, which will be its 114th.
Siblings Sahasra and Siddharth Tatineni take selfies with a horse at Lucky Break Equine during the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair in 2022. (File/The Brandon Sun)
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“Last year, despite the short no- tice and somewhat limited space, we had a very successful event. We hope to build on that success this year,” Cleaver said. “Planning has been un- derway since September; trade show space has been tripled, sponsorship is up and we are looking forward to some great entertainment.” This will be the first winter fair with Humphries at the helm, as he official- ly began his role last September. He has been a longtime supporter of the fair, and attended regularly over the past 15 years. He and the rest of the team are thrilled to welcome visitors back. “The excitement is everywhere, as a group of individual staff members here. It’s a fantastic team. This is what makes us all tick, and to be back in full swing … for our volunteers, direc- tors, the same applies, you can feel the buzz in the air.” Humphries said a massive amount of work goes into planning for the event, with dedicated volunteers on committees for every aspect of the fair. “Staff then get the job of putting all the jigsaw pieces in the right or- der and finish off the big picture,” he said. “I think what most people don’t realize is how intricate that is and how many man hours and volunteer hours that takes from the directors and the volunteers. It’s colossal.” The event takes place March 27 to April 1 and will feature world-class show jumping, heavy horse competi- tions and livestock sales and displays. There will be a hands-on agricultural education program, live entertainers, and more than 300 commercial and agricultural exhibits. “This event is a major communi- ty event,” Cleaver said. “It provides a strong agricultural education com- ponent, an opportunity for real expe- riences. You can see it, feel it, hear it, taste it, and smell it. Something that electronics cannot offer.” It is also an opportunity to meet your neighbours, be entertained and build family memories, Cleaver said, all while having a positive impact on the Westman economy. Cleaver became involved in the winter fair in 1978, first as a specta- tor, then an exhibitor in the Western Pleasure class and Barrel Racing. She
Emily Lowes and Shuffle show off their frisbee skills at the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair at Westoba Place. (File/The Brandon Sun)
went on to volunteer and was asked to put her name forward as a director in 2005. The event dates back to March 1906, when the first Brandon Win- ter Fair was held. According to the Provincial Ex, the purpose of the fair was primarily to promote the sale of livestock and to encourage improve- ment in the breeding lines and care of animals. Several educational oppor-
tunities were added to the fair as well as displays by government agencies, implement dealers and other manu- facturers. It was on July 11, 1970, when the Brandon Winter Fair was granted Pa- tronage by a visit from Queen Eliza- beth II and became the Royal Manito- ba Winter Fair.
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Welcome to the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair!
Eileen Clarke MLA for Agassiz
Cliff Cullen MLA for Spruce Woods
Reg Helwer MLA for Brandon West
agassizmla@outlook.com 204.385.2469
ccullenmla@mts.net 204.827.3956
reghelwer@wcgwave.ca 204.728.2410
Len Isleifson
Brad Michaleski
Greg Nesbitt MLA for Riding Mountain
MLA for Brandon East
MLA for Dauphin
brandoneastmla@shaw.ca 204.717.0977
dauphinmla@outlook.com 204.701.0238
gregnesbittmla@mymts.net 204.759.3313
Doyle Piwniuk MLA for Turtle Mountain
Ian Wishart MLA for Portage la Prairie
Rick Wowchuk MLA for Swan River
info@doylepiwniuk.ca 204.552.0130
ptgemla@mymts.net 204.857.9267
rick.wowchuk@leg.gov.mb.ca 204.614.7425
Continued from Page 8
This year’s event is the first since the Queen’s death. Humphries said they hope King Charles III will attend an event in the coming years. “This year what we’ve done to make it easier for all our VIPs including His Majesty the King, we’ve set out a four- year list of dates,” he said. “Hopefully that will give all our VIPs a chance to come. We are hopeful and mindful of his busy schedule but we hope that perhaps we will get a visit.” Organizers carry the Royal designa- tion with pride; Humphries calls it an “extreme privilege.” There are more protocols to follow, but it helps maintain a top-quality event that brings tourism to the area and continues to be an economic driv- er. “We both appreciate it, and we guard it very carefully. We’d like to keep that title and keep that respect, and hope- fully pass a bit of royalty on to every guest that comes.” Juno-award winner Al Simmons will be back to entertain, as will Doodles the Clown. There will be a new petting zoo this year, a reptile show, Birds of Prey and WoofJocks, to name a few. “We’ve got a lot of new items com- ing, a lot of old friends coming so there will be a good mixture across the board,” Humphries said. Free tickets are available for children 12 and under, courtesy of C&C Rentals. They can be downloaded online until March 26 through www.provincialex- hibition.com. A separate ticket must be downloaded for each day. “We also are extremely indebted to all our sponsors, our local businesses, our provincial businesses and partners that sponsor us make the show possi- ble, without them we would be in a dif- ferent position,” he said. “We want to encourage every single family member or visitor over the years to come back and enjoy the fair once more to help us progress, and to look forward, and we’re excited to see everybody.” » Jillian Austin is a freelance reporter and real estate agent with Century 21 Westman Realty. » jillianaustin.news@gmail.com » Twitter: @jillianaustin
Longtime Manitoba childrens’ entertainer and Juno Award winner Al Simmons will return to the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair this year. (Submitted)
Doodles the Clown, seen here posing for a photo, will once again share his fami- ly-friendly humour with kids of all ages at the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair this year. (File/The Brandon Sun)
The Royal Manitoba Winter Fair welcomes a new act this year with the Comedy Illusions of Greg Wood, who will perform daily throughout the week. (Submitted)
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Start times are approximate Schedule is subject to change.
Monday, March 27, 2023
7 AM - 10 AM Sunrise Breakfast
Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba - Dome Building
Hunter Jumper Horse Show opens 1.00m, 1.10m, 1.15m, 1.20m Jumper Light Draft Team (approximately 1:00 PM) Single Harness Pony 10 AM - 7 PM Royal Farm Yard presented by Peavy Mart & Maple Leaf Foods 8:00 AM
Westoba Place Main Arena
Flynn Arena
11:00 AM The Janzen Boys
Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage
11:00 AM The Comedy Illusions of Greg Wood 11:30 AM Birds of Prey Helping Out Agriculture 12:00 PM Silly Science with "Professor" Dillon Station
MB Hydro Amphitheatre MB Hydro Amphitheatre
Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage
12:30 PM Marshall Mascot 12:30 PM The Snow Circus 12:30 PM ACC Presentation 1:00 PM The Janzen Boys
Manitoba Room + Roaming MB Hydro Amphitheatre Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage
Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage
1:00 PM Manitoba Horse Council: Acera Insurance 1:00 PM The Comedy Illusions of Greg Wood
Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage MB Hydro Amphitheatre MB Hydro Amphitheatre Westoba Place Main Arena
1:30 PM Doodles the Clown
2:00 PM WoofJocks Canine All Stars presented by Fusion Credit Union
2:00 PM Circus Surreal Revolving Performer
Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage
2:00 PM Meadowind Miniatures
Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage Manitoba Room + Roaming Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage Westoba Place Main Arena
2:30 PM Olaf Mascot
2:30 PM 4-H Manitoba from Booth
3:00 PM Ladies Team
3:00 PM Silly Science with "Professor" Dillon Station 3:00 PM Birds of Prey Helping Out Agriculture 3:00 PM The Comedy Illusions of Greg Wood
Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage
Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage
MB Hydro Amphitheatre
3:30 PM The Janzen Boys 3:30 PM The Snow Circus
Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage
MB Hydro Amphitheatre
3:30 PM MB Clydesdale Association (World Clydesdale Show)
Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage MB Hydro Amphitheatre Westoba Place Main Arena Manitoba Room + Roaming Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage
4 PM - 5 PM Equine Assisted Learning 4:00 PM Doodles the Clown 4 PM - 5 PM Royal Experiences - Wagon Ho
4:30 PM Minion Mascot
5:00 PM WoofJocks - The Wonders of WoofJocks 5:00 PM Circus Surreal Revolving Performer 5:30 PM Silly Science with "Professor" Dillon Station
Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage
6:30 PM Opening Ceremonies
Westoba Place Main Arena
Wawanesa Gamblers' Choice BMO Farm Family Presentation Four Horse Team (Draft) Canadian Raptor Conservancy - Birds of Prey Helping Out Agriculture Volunteer Award Presentation Hackney Pony Pleasure Driving Barrels WoofJocks Canine All Stars presented by Fusion Credit Union Men's Cart (Draft)
7:00 PM
Westoba Place Main Arena
Thank You to the Sponsors of the 2023 Royal Manitoba Winter Fair
Thank You to all of our Valued Supporters Aaron Martin Harness Assiniboine Community College Branstone Financial Behlen Brandon Bearing Brandon Chrysler Dodge Blue Water Wash Canad Inn Cando Rail Service Chemtrade Cochrane Farms Community Futures Westman DMM Energy Dominos East 40 Packers Eurochem Kal Tire Kelleher Ford Keystone Motor Inn Klondike Farms Leech Printing
Sobeys West Sportys Super Thrifty Drugs Swiss Chalet Total Farm Supply Transolutions United Rentals Velvet Dip Victoria Inn Westman Lumber Westman Steel Wheat City Cowtown Wheat City Elite Wheat City Golf Windsor Plywood WINMAR
MillcoSteel Molson Coors Montana’s Mowatt Livestock MPI Murray Chrysler NAERIC Office Innovations P Quintaine & Son Ltd. Pivotal Elements Pizza Hut Plains Midstream Progressive Sanitation Ritchie Brothers Auctioneers Sherwin Williams Shoppers Mall
Farm Credit Canada First Mate Insurance Four Season Sales of Virden FYI Doctors Gallagher Insurance Gentrice Farms Giant Tiger Guild Insurance Group Holiday Inn Express Home Hardware IG Wealth Management KAG / Paul’s Hauling
Manitoba Canola Growers Manitoba Dairy Farmers Manitoba Metis Federation Mary Browns MAXX Security McDonalds McDougall Auctions McKenzie Seeds Meighen Haddad LLP Memories Chapel Micol Construction
Compass Credit Union Crane Steel Structures Days Inn
Thank You to our Media Sponsors
Virden Empire Advance
Dauphin Herald
Neepwa Banner
James Cowan, director of the Canadian Raptor Conservancy, will be putting on the Birds of Prey show at the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair. (Submitted)
Birds of Prey show returning to the Royal
BY JILLIAN AUSTIN Local Journalism Initiative
James Cowan, director of the Canadian Raptor Conservancy. Cowan will be offering two different shows — one is a smaller, educational show with a little bit of flying. The larger arena show in the evening will see more flying. “We’ll have a bald eagle flying, a falcon flying indoors. Some of the fastest birds in the world come from the falcon family,” Cowan said. “We’ll have a few different hawks flying in that show, so a little bit larger space and they’ll get to stretch their wings a little bit more.” Birds of Prey have attended the RMWF several times in the past, and Cowan said they are looking forward to returning to the Wheat City once again.
When you’re visit- ing the Royal Man- itoba Winter Fair, don’t forget to stop in to see Bruce the bald eagle, and his friends Jack and Diane, a pair of great horned owls. The iconic and impressive animals are part of the Birds of Prey show, put on by the Canadian Rap- tor Conservancy. “I see pure joy on peo-
ple’s faces the first time they see a bald eagle up close and personal, sort of see the sparkle in their eye and realize, ‘wow, that is an incredible bird,’” said
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a pack, and the red-tailed hawk, which Manitobans have likely seen perched on top of Hydro poles as they drive down the highway. “They’re probably that one bird that I’d say is ag- riculture’s best friend, be- cause their main prey is eating mice and voles, so they’re definitely helping farmers out,” Cowan said. The gyrfalcon, which is the largest falcon in the world, will also be featured, as well as the European lan- ner falcon. “He’ll fly through the arena at probably 110-120 kilometers per hour as he passes by people,” Cowan said.
“It’s always been a great reception there. It’s a pretty busy fair, pretty busy place so you also get to meet a lot of great people,” he said. “Not only Manitobans but I found there you get peo- ple from Saskatchewan and from the U.S. and even from Ontario that come just for that fair.” Cowan said their demon- stration is geared toward the entire family. Their motto is, “Protect what we know,” and the goal is to teach people about birds of prey, their role in nature as well as how important they are to the environment. Other birds to be featured include the Harris Hawk, which is a bird that hunts as
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Canadian Raptor Conservancy director James Cowan, seen here with a bald eagle, returns with the Birds of Prey show at the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair. (Submitted)
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Continued from Page 15
to recognize if the dog isn’t comfortable. We’ll teach people how to do a little trick with their own dog at home, and show them the steps on how to work with a dog and a disc,” she said. “We’ll put a little routine to- gether at the end of it. A lit- tle preview of what’s com- ing up in the theater.” There will also be oppor- tunities for people to come meet the dogs and take pic- tures. “We’re excited to be back and looking forward to see- ing everyone again. I hope everyone comes by to see our show and meet the dogs.” » Jillian Austin is a free- lance reporter and real es- tate agent with Century 21 Westman Realty. » jillianaustin.news@gmail. com » Twitter: @jillianaustin
Another message they hope to get across is the idea of backyard conserva- tion, and what individuals can do to help out birds and other animals right in their own backyard. “Some great examples, especially in the Prairies, is building nest boxes for ei- ther a screech owl or Amer- ican kestrel small falcons and they regularly nest in manmade structures,” Cowan said. “Even if you have a couple acres in the country, or a backyard that faces a green belt, you have a great chance of getting ei- ther one of those species.” Another exciting show coming back to the fair is the WoofJocks Canine All Stars. This will be their third time in Brandon, and its host and production manager Karen Sandford said they are thrilled to be returning. WoofJocks performances are fully choreographed, and specifically designed to incorporate elements of canine agility, obedience, tricks, flying disc and more. “What they can expect is to be smiling and laughing and being engaged with the show,” Sandford said. “That’s one of the things we really strive for. We want to make sure that we are en- tertaining people, we want to make sure they are hav- ing fun in the process and we do try to keep the audi- ence engaged with cheer- ing and rooting for their favorite dog, whether it’s the fastest dog, or the un- derdog.” WoofJocks, based in On- tario, is marking its 20th year in 2023. Sandford ex- pects to bring a variety of about 15 dogs. In addition to the shows, there will be educational sessions. “We talk about how kids can approach dogs, how
Karen Sandford, production manager and host of the WoofJocks Canine All Stars. This will be the WoofJocks third appearance at the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair. (Submitted)
Members of the WoofJocks Canine All Stars perform in Westoba Place during the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair. (File/The Brandon Sun)
Able and their handler Brett Fry compete in a WoofJocks Canine All Stars barrel race at the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair at Westoba Place. (File/The Brandon Sun) Welcome to the Fair!
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Start times are approximate Schedule is subject to change.
Tuesday, March 28, 2023
Hunter Jumper Horse Show opens 0.85m, 0.90m, 1.00m, 1.10m, 1.15m, 1.20m Jumper Heavy Draft Team (approximately 1:00 PM) 10 AM - 7 PM Royal Farm Yard presented by Peavey Mart & Maple Leaf Foods 8:00 AM
Westoba Place Main Arena
Flynn Arena
11:00 AM Equine Assisted Learning
Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage
11:00 AM The Janzen Boys
Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage
11:00 AM The Comedy Illusions of Greg Wood
MB Hydro Amphitheatre MB Hydro Amphitheatre
11:30 AM Doodles the Clown
11:30 AM Birds of Prey Helping Out Agriculture 12:00 PM Silly Science with "Professor" Dillion Station
Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage
Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage
12:00 PM The Snow Circus 12:30 PM Marshall Mascot 1:00 PM The Janzen Boys 1:00 PM Chase & Skye Mascot
MB Hydro Amphitheatre Manitoba Room + Roaming
Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage
Manitoba Room + Roaming MB Hydro Amphitheatre Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage
1:00 PM The Comedy Illusions of Greg Wood
1:00 PM Cattle - Kirk Stierwalt Clinic - by Farm Credit Canada
2:00 PM Circus Surreal Roving Performer 2:00 PM Doodles the Clown 2:00 PM Meadowind Miniatures 2:00 PM WoofJocks Canine All Stars
Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage
MB Hydro Amphitheatre
Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage Westoba Place Main Arena Manitoba Room + Roaming Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage
2:30 PM Olaf Mascot
2:30 PM 4-H Manitoba form booth
2:30 PM The Comedy Illusions of Greg Wood 3:00 PM Silly Science with "Professor" Dillion Station
MB Hydro Amphitheatre
Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage
Single Roadster Pony Youth Team
3:00 PM
Westoba Place Main Arena
3:00 PM MB Horse Council
Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage
3:00 PM Birds of Prey Helping Out Agriculture
MB Hydro Amphitheatre
3:30 PM The Janzen Boys 4:00 PM Doodles the Clown 4:30 PM Minion Mascot
Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage
MB Hydro Amphitheatre Manitoba Room + Roaming Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage Westoba Place Main Arena
4 PM - 5 PM Farrier Presentation - Gerd Martin 4 PM - 5 PM Royal Experiences - Mini Horses 5:00 PM Circus Surreal Roving Performer 5:00 PM WoofJocks - The Wonders of WoofJocks 5:30 PM Silly Science with "Professor" Dillion Station
Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage
Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage
Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage
6:30 PM Opening Ceremonies
Westoba Place Main Arena
Manitoba Agriculture & Provincial Ex of Manitoba Cup BMO Farm Family Presentation Four Horse Team Provincial Ex of Manitoba Youth Obstacle Course Single Harness Pony Volunteer Award Presentation WoofJocks Canine All Stars presented by Fusion Credit Union Barrels Canadian Raptor Conversancy - Birds of Prey Helping Out Agriculture
7:00 PM
Westoba Place Main Arena
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Welcome to the 2023 W inter Fair!
Available at Queens and 18th and TransCan A&Ws as those drinks are not available at the mall location yet.
Three girls pet a rabbit during the opening day of the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair in 2022. (File/The Brandon Sun)
Ag education an integral part of the winter fair experience
program, livestock sales and displays and over 300 commercial and agricul- tural exhibits. Farmers and their ani- mals will be at the Royal Farm Yard, a 44,000-square-foot petting zoo, cattle shows and more. Agriculture has always been the pinnacle theme of the fair, said Mark Humphries, general manager of the Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba. From when the fair first began and was aimed at producers to now, when it draws in people who call both rural and urban centres home, the event continues to revolve around the agri- cultural industry. “Agriculture is still vital to every- body’s lives, and it’s still one of our major considerations with every- thing we do with the fair,” Humphries
said. “We want to educate people as to where their food comes from and how much agriculture does for the environment.” In 2021, Canada’s agriculture and agri-food industry employed 2.1 mil- lion people, providing one in nine jobs in Canada and generating $134.9 billion (around 6.8 per cent) of Cana- da’s gross domestic product, the fed- eral government says. It’s vital that people of all ages un- derstand where their food comes from and how big a role agriculture plays in their everyday lives, Hum- phries said. To help with this, the fair is offering a variety of educational ex- periences.
The Royal Manitoba Winter Fair is shining a spotlight on the importance of agriculture in Manitoba, Canada and the world at this year’s event, which runs from March 27 to April 1, during the province’s annual spring break. The people behind the fair, which is one of Western Canada’s largest agri- cultural events and the largest event that is held in Brandon, will leave attendees with a renewed apprecia- tion of hard-working producers and a deeper understanding of how integral the industry truly is to the economy and society. Part of the fair’s program this year is a hands-on agricultural education
» » Continued on Page 21
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“We’ve got some clinics going on, and on Friday we have the Canadian Associa- tion of fairs and Exhibitions doing an an- imal workshop. So we’re trying to partner with key partners of the industry to try and bring that education forward.” One of the clinics that will be happen- ing at the fair this year is a two-day event with a cattle fitter from Oklahoma who will be educating people about cattle clipping, showmanship and presentation. There will be other education opportu- nities for every age group at the fair, which will illustrate the links between urban and rural life as well, Humphries said. Dallas Johnson, the co-chair of another agricultural event the Provincial Exhibi- tion puts on every year called Manitoba Ag Ex, said the fair is a great way for people to see firsthand where the food they eat comes from, including the chance to get up close and personal with farm animals like chickens and cows.
» » Continued on Page 22
Brooklyn Holliday of Carberry pets her 4-H Holstein, Mermaid, during the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair in 2022. (File/The Brandon Sun)
Welcome to the ROYAL MANITOBA WINTER FAIR From us to you!
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Continued from Page 21
work together towards a common goal.” The fair is also a wonderful op- portunity for anyone interested in a career in the agricultural industry to learn more about how it works and make meaningful connections. “There’s all kinds of people there you can talk to that could give you a good idea about all the things you can do on the farm, Johnson said. New Canadians should take the opportunity to visit the fair to learn more about how Canada’s agricul- tural industry works, noting that it can be quite different than how other countries operate. “It’s done differently all over the world to a certain degree, and the fair gives people an idea of that,” Johnson said. “Even if they came from a farm, I’m sure they would notice a lot of dif- ferences in how we do things here.”
Tickets for the Royal Manitoba Win- ter Fair are available on the Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba website at pro- vincialexhibition.com/royal-manito- ba-winter-fair-plan-your-visit-2. Free tickets for kids 12 and under are available until March 26, and spe- cial ticket packages are also available for entry on March 29, which are valid for Wednesday entry only. One free child’s ticket can be down- loaded per child, per day, and each ticket is for one child and one entry per ticket. Children ages five and un- der can get in free without a ticket. The 2023 Royal Manitoba Winter Fair is presented by Platinum Spon- sors Wawanesa Insurance, Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries, Manitoba Hy- dro, Fusion Credit Union and ATCO. » mleybourne@brandonsun.com » Twitter: @miraleybourne
“You’re getting an example of all the different foods that the public eats, and it gives especially the young peo- ple an idea about it,” Johnson, who also raises cattle, said. With the majority of people not thinking further down the supply chain than their trip to the grocery store, now, more than ever, there’s a growing disconnect between the world of agriculture and society in general, Johnson said. Remedying this disconnect will involve educating younger children, who he hopes to see in droves at the fair. “It’s a great place for schools to bring their kids,” he said, adding that he’s looking forward to seeing chil- dren from various 4H clubs in Man- itoba show off different breeds of cattle. “I really enjoy watching them
Brooklyn Hedley from Rapid City attends the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair showing livestock. (File/The Brandon Sun)
Kids take a moment to pet a duck held by a volunteer at the Ricklynn Farms Petting Zoo during the opening day of the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair in 2022. (File/The Brandon Sun)
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Volunteer Persia Wiebe shows a rabbit a little love at the fair’s petting zoo during the opening day of the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair at the Keystone Centre in 2022. (File/The Brandon Sun)
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Start times are approximate Schedule is subject to change.
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
TIME EVENT Hunter Jumper Horse Show opens 0.85m, 0.9m, 1.0m, 1.10m, 1.15m, 1.20m Six Horse Draft Team (approximately 12:30 PM) 10 AM - 7 PM Royal Farm Yard presented by Peavey Mart & Maple Leaf Foods 8:00 AM
Westoba Place Main Arena
Flynn Ariana
10:30 AM Doodles the Clown
MB Hydro Amphitheatre MB Hydro Amphitheatre
11:00 AM Al Simmons Presented by RBC Family Day
11:00 AM Fugitives Dance Band 11:00 AM Meet a Draft Horse
Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage
Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage
11:00 AM Manitoba Pork Quality Luncheon Presented by MB Pork 11:30 AM Birds of Prey Helping Out Agriculture 12:00 PM Silly Science with "Professor" Dillon Station
Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba - Dome Building
Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage
Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage
12:00 PM The Snow Circus
MB Hydro Amphitheatre MB Hydro Amphitheatre
12:30 PM Al Simmons Presented by RBC Family Day 1:00 PM The Comedy Illusions of Greg Wood
Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage
1:00 PM Cattle - Kirk Stierwalt Clinic - Presented by Farm Credit Canada
Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage Manitoba Room + Roaming MB Hydro Amphitheatre Westoba Place Main Arena
1:30 PM Marshall Mascot 1:30 PM Doodles the Clown
2:00 PM WoofJocks Canine All Stars 2:00 PM Circus Surreal Roving Performer
Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage
2:00 PM Al Simmons Presented by RBC Family Day
MB Hydro Amphitheatre
2:00 PM Meadowind Miniatures 2:30 PM 4-H Manitoba from booth
Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage
2:30 PM The Comedy Illusions of Greg Wood
Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage
Hackney Pony Pleasure Driving Canadian Raptor Conversancy - Birds of Prey Helping Out Agriculture Youth Cart
3:00 PM
Westoba Place Main Arena
3:00 PM Silly Science with "Professor" Dillon Station
Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage
3:00 PM MB Horse Council: Rider Biomechanics with Physiotherapist
Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage Manitoba Room + Roaming
3:00 PM Amberlee Brownlie of Dynamic Physiotherapy
3:30 PM Easter Bunny Mascot 4:00 PM Doodles the Clown
Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage
4 PM - 5 PM Equine Assisted Learning 4 PM - 5 PM Royal Experiences - Rodeo Trials
Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage Westoba Place Main Arena Manitoba Room + Roaming
4:30 PM Olaf Mascot
5:00 PM Circus Surreal Roving Performer 5:00 PM WoofJocks - The Wonders of WoofJocks 5:30 PM Silly Science with "Professor" Dillon Station
Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage
Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage
Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage
6:30 PM Opening Ceremonies
Westoba Place Main Arena
Dog / Horse Relay BMO Farm Family Presentation Open Cart Provincial Ex of Manitoba Youth Obstacle Course MBLL Volunteer Award Presentation Single Roadster Pony Canadian Raptor Conversancy - Birds of Prey Helping Out Agriculture
7:00 PM
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RMWF23-Full Page-KIOTI-CX.indd 1
2023-02-16 9:21:06 AM
A jumper competes during the 2018 Royal Manitoba Winter Fair at the Keystone Centre. (File/The Brandon Sun)
THE HORSE: The horses are the prod- uct of long and patient work, studying genetics and hours of training. The young horse begins his sporting life at three with light schooling and usually takes part in his first com- petitions at four. A good horse starts to be successful at eight, and is at the peak of his career from 10 to 15, but can keep performing until the age of 20. The Basics of Show Jumping
Each night of the fair fea- tures some of Canada’s top equestrian show jumping. Riders and horses from all over Manitoba, Sas- katchewan, Alberta, Ontar- io and the Midwest United States will be vying for a share of over $140,000 in cash prizes. Judged on their perfor- mance, riders and horses must complete a set pat- tern of jumps. Show jump- ing is the only sport where two living beings compete together: a horse and a rid- er.
» » Continued on Page 29
Jayden Stettner and Ielinea JTL compete for the ATCO Cup at the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair at Westoba Place. (File/The Brandon Sun)
Continued from Page 28
THE RIDER: The rider is the pilot that usually begins to ride at a young age. The rider is the brain of this “athlete com- bination.” The rider must have skill and talent: an eye, and a sense of balance not to disturb the horse. He/she is the one who “moulds” the horse, requiring years of work, education, dres- sage, and patience. On the course, the eye of the rid- er and his ability to make quick decisions are as im- portant as the skill of the horse, his physical aptitude, his carefulness, etc.
» » Continued on Page 30
Rae-Ann Kryshewski brushes the mane of Ben, one of the Belgians of Creekside Belgians of Birtle, during the opening day of the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair in 2022. (File/The Brandon Sun)
Corner of 18th St. & Park Ave
Corral Centre
Continued from Page 29
ARENA: The arena is the stage. Westman Place has a ca- pacity of more than 5,000 spectators and during show time; it is filled with people, TV cameras and, in the arena, the obstacles surrounded by decorations (flowers etc.) which may distract the horses. COMBINATION: A combination is a series of two or three fences sep- arated by one or two can- tering strides. If the horse refuses one fence of the combination or runs out between two elements, the pair has to jump all two or three fences again. A com- bination is considered as one obstacle (with two or three difficulties). COURSE-DESIGNER: Sets the course and ob- stacles according to class specifications that will test the horse and rider as well as provide entertainment for the audience.. ELIMINATION: After a second stop (re- fusal) or a fall of the horse and/or the rider, the pair is eliminated. JUMP-OFF: It’s the “tie-break”: the jump-off takes place at the end of some Table A class- es to decide between the competitors placed equally after the main round. The jump-off course is shorter and different to that of the first round and is against the clock. MIXED: Show jumping is one of the very few sports in which male and female competitors (both horses and riders) compete in the same classes. OBSTACLES (fences or jumps): There are two major types
Brennan McCullagh and his horse WKM Xenia compete in the 2019 Royal Manitoba Winter Fair Grand Prix. (File/The Brandon Sun)
of obstacles: wide (spread- jumps) and vertical. The latter is a fence comprising at least two poles arranged vertically. On the other hand, a spread is wide as well as high. It may be wid- er than it is high and be lower at the front (rising) or the same height (paral- lel). A spread with two el- ements is called an oxer. A rising spread with three or more elements is called a triple-bar. A normal course comprises between 11 and 14 obstacles. A combina- tion of jumps is considered as one obstacle. STRIDE: One of the main difficul- ties of show jumping lies in the way the riders will
manage the strides of their horses between the fences. One cantering stride of a horse covers approximate- ly 3.50 metres. The rider can shorten or lengthen the strides in order to adjust their number between two fences so that the horse can jump the obstacle in good conditions, taking off nei- ther too close nor too far. TABLE: Different scoring sys- tems are used to place the competitors at the end of the class. The most com- mon is the “Table A” where jumping faults or the first refusal generate four pen- alty points. Time faults may be added to the final result: one point for every four
seconds over the allowed time. In “Table C” classes, jumping faults are convert- ed into seconds added to the time taken to complete the course. WALKING THE COURSE: Once the course has been built, the riders are al- lowed to “walk the course” with their coaches in order to memorize the design the route, to calculate the number of strides between the obstacles positioned close together and to locate the short-cut and other way to save time in case of a speed-class or in view of a prospective jump-off.
» The Brandon Sun
Danielle Urban and VDL Byacinthe compete for the ATCO Cup at the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair at Westoba Place. (File/The Brandon Sun)
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Start times are approximate Schedule is subject to change.
Thursday, March 30, 2023
Hunter Jumper Horse Show opens 0.9m, 1.0m, 1.10m, 1.15m, 1.20m Jumper Youth Showmanship Youth Draft High Point Award Single Harness Pony Championship Tandem Team 10 AM - 7 PM Royal Farm Yard presented by Peavey Mart & Maple Leaf Foods 8:00 AM
Westoba Place Main Arena
Flynn Arena
11:00 AM Draft Horse Youth Decorating 11:00 AM Fugitives Dance Band 11:30 AM The Comedy Illusions of Greg Wood 11:30 AM Birds of Prey Helping Out Agriculture 11:30 AM BMO Farm Families Luncheon 12:00 PM Silly Science with "Professor" Dillon Station
Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage
Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage
MB Hydro Amphitheatre
Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage
Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba - Dome Building
Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage
12:00 PM The Snow Circus 1 PM - 4 PM Cattle Steer Show 1:00 PM Marshall Mascot 1:00 PM The Snow Circus
MB Hydro Amphitheatre
Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage Manitoba Room + Roaming
MB Hydro Amphitheatre
1:30 PM Prairie Thistle Highland Dance Association 1:30 PM The Comedy Illusions of Greg Wood
Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage
MB Hydro Amphitheatre
2:00 PM Circus Surreal Roving Performer
Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage
2:00 PM Doodles the Clown
MB Hydro Amphitheatre Westoba Place Main Arena
2:00 PM WoofJocks Canine All Stars
2:30 PM Prairie Thistle Highland Dance Association 3:00 PM Silly Science with "Professor" Dillon Station
Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage
3:00 PM DHC Obstacle Class
Westoba Place Main Arena MB Hydro Amphitheatre Manitoba Room + Roaming
3:00 PM Birds of Prey Helping Out Agriculture
3:30 PM Minion Mascot
4:00 PM Prairie Thistle Highland Dance Association
Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage
4:00 PM Chase & Skye Mascot
Manitoba Room + Roaming MB Hydro Amphitheatre Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage Westoba Place Main Arena
4:00 PM The Comedy Illusions of Greg Wood 4 PM -5 PM Farrier Presentation - Gerd Martin 4 PM -5 PM Royal Experiences - Saddle Up
4:30 PM Doodles the Clown
MB Hydro Amphitheatre
5:00 PM Circus Surreal Roving Performer 5:00 PM WoofJocks - The Wonders of WoofJocks 5:30 PM Silly Science with "Professor" Dillon Station
Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage
Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage
Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage
6:30 PM Opening Ceremonies 7:00 PM Cattle Steer Sale
Westoba Place Main Arena Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage
ATCO Cup BMO Farm Family Presentation MBLL Volunteer Award Presentation Four Horse Team Championship WoofJocks Canine All Stars presented by Fusion Credit Union Canadian Raptor Conversancy - Birds of Prey Helping Out Agriculture Hackney Pony Pleasure Champion
7:00 PM
Westoba Place Main Arena
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