Royal MB Winter Fair | 2023



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a pack, and the red-tailed hawk, which Manitobans have likely seen perched on top of Hydro poles as they drive down the highway. “They’re probably that one bird that I’d say is ag- riculture’s best friend, be- cause their main prey is eating mice and voles, so they’re definitely helping farmers out,” Cowan said. The gyrfalcon, which is the largest falcon in the world, will also be featured, as well as the European lan- ner falcon. “He’ll fly through the arena at probably 110-120 kilometers per hour as he passes by people,” Cowan said.

“It’s always been a great reception there. It’s a pretty busy fair, pretty busy place so you also get to meet a lot of great people,” he said. “Not only Manitobans but I found there you get peo- ple from Saskatchewan and from the U.S. and even from Ontario that come just for that fair.” Cowan said their demon- stration is geared toward the entire family. Their motto is, “Protect what we know,” and the goal is to teach people about birds of prey, their role in nature as well as how important they are to the environment. Other birds to be featured include the Harris Hawk, which is a bird that hunts as

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Canadian Raptor Conservancy director James Cowan, seen here with a bald eagle, returns with the Birds of Prey show at the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair. (Submitted)

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