Royal MB Winter Fair | 2023



Continued from Page 15

to recognize if the dog isn’t comfortable. We’ll teach people how to do a little trick with their own dog at home, and show them the steps on how to work with a dog and a disc,” she said. “We’ll put a little routine to- gether at the end of it. A lit- tle preview of what’s com- ing up in the theater.” There will also be oppor- tunities for people to come meet the dogs and take pic- tures. “We’re excited to be back and looking forward to see- ing everyone again. I hope everyone comes by to see our show and meet the dogs.” » Jillian Austin is a free- lance reporter and real es- tate agent with Century 21 Westman Realty. » com » Twitter: @jillianaustin

Another message they hope to get across is the idea of backyard conserva- tion, and what individuals can do to help out birds and other animals right in their own backyard. “Some great examples, especially in the Prairies, is building nest boxes for ei- ther a screech owl or Amer- ican kestrel small falcons and they regularly nest in manmade structures,” Cowan said. “Even if you have a couple acres in the country, or a backyard that faces a green belt, you have a great chance of getting ei- ther one of those species.” Another exciting show coming back to the fair is the WoofJocks Canine All Stars. This will be their third time in Brandon, and its host and production manager Karen Sandford said they are thrilled to be returning. WoofJocks performances are fully choreographed, and specifically designed to incorporate elements of canine agility, obedience, tricks, flying disc and more. “What they can expect is to be smiling and laughing and being engaged with the show,” Sandford said. “That’s one of the things we really strive for. We want to make sure that we are en- tertaining people, we want to make sure they are hav- ing fun in the process and we do try to keep the audi- ence engaged with cheer- ing and rooting for their favorite dog, whether it’s the fastest dog, or the un- derdog.” WoofJocks, based in On- tario, is marking its 20th year in 2023. Sandford ex- pects to bring a variety of about 15 dogs. In addition to the shows, there will be educational sessions. “We talk about how kids can approach dogs, how

Karen Sandford, production manager and host of the WoofJocks Canine All Stars. This will be the WoofJocks third appearance at the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair. (Submitted)

Members of the WoofJocks Canine All Stars perform in Westoba Place during the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair. (File/The Brandon Sun)

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