Royal MB Winter Fair | 2023



Continued from Page 20

“We’ve got some clinics going on, and on Friday we have the Canadian Associa- tion of fairs and Exhibitions doing an an- imal workshop. So we’re trying to partner with key partners of the industry to try and bring that education forward.” One of the clinics that will be happen- ing at the fair this year is a two-day event with a cattle fitter from Oklahoma who will be educating people about cattle clipping, showmanship and presentation. There will be other education opportu- nities for every age group at the fair, which will illustrate the links between urban and rural life as well, Humphries said. Dallas Johnson, the co-chair of another agricultural event the Provincial Exhibi- tion puts on every year called Manitoba Ag Ex, said the fair is a great way for people to see firsthand where the food they eat comes from, including the chance to get up close and personal with farm animals like chickens and cows.

» » Continued on Page 22

Brooklyn Holliday of Carberry pets her 4-H Holstein, Mermaid, during the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair in 2022. (File/The Brandon Sun)

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