Royal MB Winter Fair | 2023



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work together towards a common goal.” The fair is also a wonderful op- portunity for anyone interested in a career in the agricultural industry to learn more about how it works and make meaningful connections. “There’s all kinds of people there you can talk to that could give you a good idea about all the things you can do on the farm, Johnson said. New Canadians should take the opportunity to visit the fair to learn more about how Canada’s agricul- tural industry works, noting that it can be quite different than how other countries operate. “It’s done differently all over the world to a certain degree, and the fair gives people an idea of that,” Johnson said. “Even if they came from a farm, I’m sure they would notice a lot of dif- ferences in how we do things here.”

Tickets for the Royal Manitoba Win- ter Fair are available on the Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba website at pro- ba-winter-fair-plan-your-visit-2. Free tickets for kids 12 and under are available until March 26, and spe- cial ticket packages are also available for entry on March 29, which are valid for Wednesday entry only. One free child’s ticket can be down- loaded per child, per day, and each ticket is for one child and one entry per ticket. Children ages five and un- der can get in free without a ticket. The 2023 Royal Manitoba Winter Fair is presented by Platinum Spon- sors Wawanesa Insurance, Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries, Manitoba Hy- dro, Fusion Credit Union and ATCO. » » Twitter: @miraleybourne

“You’re getting an example of all the different foods that the public eats, and it gives especially the young peo- ple an idea about it,” Johnson, who also raises cattle, said. With the majority of people not thinking further down the supply chain than their trip to the grocery store, now, more than ever, there’s a growing disconnect between the world of agriculture and society in general, Johnson said. Remedying this disconnect will involve educating younger children, who he hopes to see in droves at the fair. “It’s a great place for schools to bring their kids,” he said, adding that he’s looking forward to seeing chil- dren from various 4H clubs in Man- itoba show off different breeds of cattle. “I really enjoy watching them

Brooklyn Hedley from Rapid City attends the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair showing livestock. (File/The Brandon Sun)

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