hall, conference rooms, board rooms, and kitchen facilities. This makes the building entirely self-suf- ficient and suitable to be rented out for events such as banquets and meetings. Humphries emphasiz- es that the patio and gar- den are more than simply additions to the side of the building — it’s a space that will help the building be a place that locals and non-locals can enjoy for years to come. “It’s testament to its looks, its stature and its his- tory,” he said. “We would like to enhance that and give it the respect that it de- serves and keep it going for many more years and for many more generations to come.”
Continued from Page 34
In 2018, the Canadian government recognized Brandon’s restored Display Building No. 2 as a struc- ture with national histori- cal significance. The building is host to numerous events through- out the year, including local groups, church groups, and agricultural societies and much more. The building is named for its four silver domes. “As far as historical land- marks in Brandon are concerned, this has got to be one of the most iconic buildings we have,” Hum- phries said. “Its sheer de- sign is unique.” The structure is now a fully functioning office for all of its staff, as well as oth- er local businesses that rent office space. It has a large
Painter Tim Neil with Malereii Painting adds another coat of white paint to the roof portion of the Display Building No. II, otherwise known as the Dome Building, in summer 2022. (File/ The Brandon Sun)
» The Brandon Sun
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