Royal MB Winter Fair | 2023



Volunteers are the key to our success

We would like to wel- come you to the 2023 Roy- al Manitoba Winter Fair. Each year the directors and staff of the Provincial Exhi- bition of Manitoba plan for months to bring you this great event. Our theme for 2023 is Show us your smiles. We ask that you bring your smile to this year’s event and show it off. With the fantastic sup- port of our many sponsors and volunteers we have put together a show that you can enjoy for days. Enjoy our Royal Food Court in the Manitoba Room with regular enter-

tainment. Wednesday is our RBC Family Day, see our website for special pricing and entertainment. The amphitheatre has a packed schedule all week that will be sure to entertain the whole family. Fusion Credit Union WoofJocks perform multiple times a day. Be sure to visit the Ag Education stage. Our feature horse shows provide great competition and animal elegance at both ends of the facility. Our major horse shows would not be possible without the support of Wawanesa Insurance,, Prairie Ram dealers, ATCO

Royal Manitoba Winter Fair co-chairs Wayne Buhr, left, and Clint Swain.

and Manitoba Agriculture. The cattle show features the best of our youth hon- ing their skills. During the week our many volunteers work hard with the support of compa- nies like MazerGroup who keep our staff and volun- teers equipped with New Holland equipment. You, our patrons and ex- hibitors, are key to the suc- cess of the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair. We simply ask you to show us and our spon- sors your smiles when you come. Sponsors large and small make it possible for

us to bring you the smiles. On behalf of Clint and Wayne — the co-chairs of the Royal Manitoba Win- ter Fair — enjoy our event, laugh, learn and show your gratitude to the volunteers, sponsors and exhibitors who have come together to bring you a great show. Come and enjoy the fair all week. Clint Swain Co-chair, Royal Manitoba Winter Fair Wayne Buhr Co-chair, Royal Manitoba Winter Fair

Jayden Stettner and Ielinea JTL compete for the ATCO Cup at the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair at Westoba Place. (File/The Brandon Sun)

Clover and their handler Ella Usher-Jones compete in a WoofJocks Canine All Stars barrel race at the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair at Westoba Place. (File/The Brandon Sun)

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