Lake Life | 2024

10 THE BRANDON SUN • Lake Life • SATURDAY, MAY 25, 2024

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wildlife viewing opportunities, and a vibrant local community.” Elkhorn Resort, he said, just added an expansion to their location only a few months ago, adding the relation- ship between tourism and commercial growth goes hand in hand.

“More people and tourists are com- ing out and the shops are growing. And in return, we’re getting more and more people coming out.” The realtor agreed that there is a po- tential correlation between the influx of buyers and the increasing property prices. The growing popularity of Clear Lake, coupled with the heightened desire for rural sanctuaries during the pandemic, he said, fueled demand. Consequently that drove prices sky- ward. And the expansion of local busi- nesses and amenities only amplifies the region’s allure. The widespread appeal of Clear Lake also extends well beyond Manitoba’s borders. “It’s worth noting that Clear Lake garners interest not only from Manito- bans but also from prospective buyers in Alberta and British Columbia,” he said. “It’s not uncommon to encounter visitors from these provinces exploring the area and contemplating real estate investments.”

“Clear Lake boasts pristine beauty, an unspoiled environment, and a plethora of amenities, including shops, dining options, and the esteemed Elk- horn Resort,” he said. “Moreover, there are extensive hiking trails, abundant

» » X: @AbiolaOdutola

A cabin in Wasagaming on a calm and sunny day. (Tim Smith/The Brandon Sun)


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