A model 300 sunroom features all aluminum and glass with composite decking for a floor inside. (Submitted photos)
The green advantage
that building envelope and give you the improvements you’re after. Some programs, such as those offered through Efficien- cy Manitoba, can ease the up- front financial costs, so you can reap the long-term benefits. It’s also worth considering the durability and sustain- ability of other improvements you might make to your home through the years. If you’re making an addition, for in- stance, the materials and design you choose now can have last- ing effects in the years to come. Keith Bourgeois, owner of Elite Sunrooms, tells of a cli-
ent who wanted a sunroom his company had constructed more than 20 years ago taken apart and relocated. Nearly all of it was able to be moved, the few replacement pieces effortlessly fitting with the existing mate- rials. “Our products are made to last,” says Bourgeois, whose company is an authorized deal- er of Sunspace Sunrooms, “and if you ever had to take them apart, everything is recyclable.”
your building envelope — that is, the parts of your home that separate the indoors from the outdoors — means less energy wasted through heating your home, which also means a less- er need to reach for a sweater or shell out a fortune for your energy bill. Weatherstripping your win- dows and doors is a cost-effec- tive, relatively easy DIY option that will make an immediate difference. A more significant fix might be to upgrade your insulation and install new, en- ergy efficient windows and doors, which will help to seal
Green living isn’t a luxury reserved for those with money to spare. Whether you’re al- ready a homeowner or in the market to buy, green options are more accessible — and af- fordable — than ever. Even small, green choices can make for a healthier and more com- fortable home that not only touts environmental benefits, but saves you money, too. Let’s say your home feels a little drafty on cool days and you’ve noticed your heating bill creeping up. Improving
» Continued on Page 4
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