Your Home Your Way | 2022



of things,” he said.

» Continued from Page 12

“There’s a similar differ- ence today with homes being built that are a starter home of today… as compared to a $700,000 - $800,000 home that are still being built today.” The differences can also ex- tend inside and to how much work needs to be done, which is why getting an inspection is important, he said. Hous- es with knob and tube wiring may need to be replaced and more can be done to make the building energy efficient. But there is much vari- ability. Older homes have had more time for renovations to be done, he said, and it could be up to modern expectations. “There’s absolutely nothing wrong with an older home if a person is prepared to put some work into it if it needs work.” » » Twitter: @DrewMay_

The entire experience has been very rewarding, he said. Now that the major work is complete and some modern- ization has been done, the couple rent out rooms as a bed and breakfast on Airbnb to share the house with others. “That’s really what the house has been to us, the best of both worlds. Modern con- venience with the enjoyment of the surroundings.” There’s a wide range of older houses still around in Brandon, said real estate agent Jeff Sim. Some houses are des- ignated heritage homes, while others are not, but have been standing for more than a cen- tury. Many reasons can factor into people wanting to buy an older house, including the classic architecture, the loca-

Interior of Cam and Carolyn Davie’s home at 314–12 th Street in Brandon.

tion or the lifestyle, he said. “It’s not always about price- point for individuals. I think it has more to do with lifestyle around the home, architecture and just having an older, clas- sic kind of artisan-built home is appealing to some folks,” he said. The price point of old- er houses can vary greatly, he said. Some surviving houses

were built as “starter houses” 100 years ago and are still con- sidered starter houses in 2022. Others, though, were built more ornately. “Not all hundred-year- old homes are classic, not all hundred-year-old homes have classic architecture in- side like door frames and headers and the use of a lot of oak [wood] and that sort

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