that will teach you,” she said For people who do take the dive into gardening or are embarking on another grow- ing season, Whetter said it’s important to put nutrients back into the soil at home and shore it up if needed. “Start with a good soil base… the west-end is quite sandy and the east-end is a heavier loam, so [gardeners] have to understand their soil a little bit and add any amend- ments to make certain they get the best opportunity.” While people might be desperate to get their hands in the dirt, most planting should wait until after May long weekend. Planting be- fore then is possible, he said, but even hardy plants might need a frost blanket.
» Continued from Page 2
“We have such a great growing season. I know our season is short, but our grow- ing degree days… that makes us so ideal to grow so many different crops here. Everyone should take advantage.” While the growing sea- son isn’t as long in Mani- toba as in other parts of the world, Singh said the ideal conditions make up for it and a bounty can come from a backyard or a community gardening plot. Vegetables like tomatoes and spinach can be frozen, which can go a long way to cutting grocery bills in the winter months, she said. Food grown in a backyard garden at home is also more nutritious than some at the grocery store, Singh said. While grocery store produce
is often picked and transport- ed long distances, food from the backyard only has to trav- el a few feet and can be picked at peak ripeness. The key is not to target looks, she said. Veggies grown by an ambitious gardener might be slightly bug-eaten,
but will still taste good and be nutritious. “Everyone has to start from somewhere and it’s very additive as well. Once you get started it’s a great hobby to have, it’s a productive hob- by… it’s just learning step by step. Grow something and
» dmay@brandonsun.com » Twitter: @DrewMay_
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