Royal MB Winter Fair | 2024

YOU’VE EARNED IT! Take THE Leap Brandon, MB, at the Keystone Centre MARCH 25 - 30, 2024 SCAN FOR Come to the fair! Take THE Brandon, MB, at the Keystone Centre MARCH 25 - 30, 2024 SCAN FOR Come to the fair! SCAN FOR TICKETS! Take THE Leap MARCH 25-30, 2024 Brandon, MB, at the Keystone Centre 2024 Special Supplement

FREE ESTIMATES SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESSES Brandon, MB, at the Keystone Centre MARCH 25 - 30, 2024 SCAN FOR Come to the fair!



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Brandon University welcomes all exhibitors, visitors, and competitors to the 2024 Royal Manitoba Winter Fair.



Appreciating the agricultural community

On behalf of the Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba, I would like to welcome you to the 2024 Royal Manitoba Winter Fair. We look forward to showcasing ag- riculture at its finest with world- class equestrian events, cattle country as well as our Ag Aware- nessStage. Be sure to check out our trade show throughout the building and the Royal Food Court. Take a break, enjoy some fair food, and watch one of the many entertain- ment acts we have going on at our fair. Take a stroll to the North End Arena and watch the next gener- ation of riders and pop in to our petting zoo to see some cuddly animals. The Woof Jocks are back

this year and are sure to entertain spectators of all ages. Our event is not possible with- out the generous support of our exceptional sponsors and sup- port from the many exhibitors who travel from all over Canada and the United States to be at our event. Thank you to our staff, volunteers and board of di- rectors, for the countless hours they put in to ensure a success- ful event. It is our hope you leave our event educated, entertained, and with a renewed appreciation for agriculture.

Clint Swain President Provincial Exhibition

Clint Swain President, Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba

Making memories, traditions, at the fair

If you are reading this in our Brandon Sun Booklet, congrat- ulations you have arrived at the 2024 Royal Manitoba Winter Fair! Perhaps this is your first time, or the 54th time of attending, whatever the number, we wel- come and value your patronage. Collaborating with our part- ners at The Keystone Centre, our board of directors, volunteers, and staff strive to bring world- class entertainment to this first- class facility. Exciting equestrianism, enter- tainment, retail shopping, and fair cuisine, can be found here in Brandon Manitoba at The Fair. As a patron, you join loyal and valued sponsors who make this event possible. Without contin- ued support this local econom-

ic driving force would not exist. Please take the time to recognize all our business partners who have pledged financial and or operational support. The Provin- cial Exhibition of Manitoba also receives continued support from The Provincial Government of Manitoba and The City of Bran- don, for which we are grateful. A resolute team of staff works tirelessly behind the scenes to bring this event together. Our reward will be if you “Take the Leap” to make lasting memories, new family traditions, and enjoy all the fun that we bring to you at the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair.

Mark Humphries General manager, Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba

Mark Humphries General Manager Provincial Exhibition



Welcome to the 2024 Royal Manitoba Winter Fair

Candace Bowles Executive Board of Directors

Wayne Buhr Director

Clint Swain President

We are so pleased to bring you the 2024 Royal Manitoba Winter Fair. Each year the Directors and staff of the Provincial Exhibition of Manito- ba plan for months to bring you this great event. In 2024, Take the Leap & Come to the Fair. Whether it is the jumping of horses, Woof Jocks or a Jump for Joy to see Friends and Family come and join us for the week and enjoy the best valued entertainment you can have, With the fantastic support of our many sponsors and volunteers we have put together a show that you can enjoy for days. While you may come for the en- tertainment you will go away enter- tained, educated, fed and happy. Our Ag Education stage is full of demon- strations from cattle handling, to pet care. The adjacent Royal Farm Yard lets you experience working Dairy, poultry and hog operations as well as some memory making time with the animals in the petting zoo.

Our Royal Food Court in the Man- itoba room is returning bigger and better for 2024. Wednesday is our RBC Family Day, with Fred Penner as the feature entertainer for the day. We are pleased to have our trade show bringing you many new prod- ucts. We are keeping our advance ticket pricing the same as last year. See our website for free kids tickets brought to you by Manitoba Hydro and dis- counted full gate admissions avail- able until Friday March 22, 2024. With two arenas packed full of equestrian events and 3 entertain- ment stages packed full each day the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair provides some of the best entertainment val- ue you can find. Our feature horse shows are supported by great sponsors like Wawanesa Insurance, PlayNow. com, Prairie Ram dealers, and ATCO. Our Heavy Horse show has a num- ber of new features this year with a chore competition demonstrating

hard work and skill of both animal and driver. Sponsors like Tim Hor- tons, Brandon Sun, Manitoba Hy- dro, Mazergroup and Bell MTS help us bring you the heavy horse events. You, our patrons and exhibitors are key to the success of the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair. Take the opportunity to come to the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair March 25 through March 30 to build your community and family. On behalf of Candace, Clint, & Wayne, the co-chairs of the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair, come and en- joy our event. It is always a pleasure to host you. We ask that you show your gratitude to the volunteers, sponsors and exhibitors who have come together to bring you a great show.

Candace Bowles, Clint Swain & Wayne Buhr



Brandon Sun Sasktchwan beef project 4-H members Kamryn Gilliand, 15, Dylan Frey, 13, and Casey Thompson, 15, relax after a steer competition at the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair Saturday. (Chelsea Kemp/The Brandon Sun)

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* In the instance where a deadline day falls on the weekend, the deadline has been pushed to the next working day. The typical deadline date for AgriInsurance is March 31 (April 2 in 2024).

2024 AgriInsurance print ad

Royal Manitoba Winter Fair Program Guide Size: 1/2 page



A horse team shows its skills in the Westoba Place arena during the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair. (Chelsea Kemp/The Brandon Sun)

EXCITEMENT BUILDS FOR THE ROYAL Old favourites mix with new at this year’s fair

BY MIRANDA LEYBOURNE Local Journalism Initiative

evolved, grown and become so pop- ular over the years that it takes an extremely large team of people to en- sure that things run smoothly, Hum- phries said. “There’s [a large] amount of volun- teerism from our board of directors, and then through our daily volun- teers on site. And the, of course, that all links back to the staff in the office,” he said. “It’s colossal.” At this year’s event, the Royal Farm Yard will be home to a petting zoo, live animal shows, cattle shows and more. There will be a giant sandbox for kids to play in, a mini tractor to ride and a seed separator to try out. Attendees will also have the chance to meet farm animals of all kinds, and the farmers who own and take care of them.

heavy horse competitions, livestock sales and displays, a hands-on agri- cultural education program, live en- tertainment and over 300 commer- cial and agricultural exhibits, people from across the Prairies, the country and even from the United States have been flocking to the fair since it first began on July 11, 1970. Planning for the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair starts as soon as the cur- rent fair ends, Mark Humphries, gen- eral manager of the Provincial Exhi- bition of Manitoba, told the Sun. “We literally start the day after the fair is finished, so it’s a continuous 12-month planning process,” he said. “It never stops with the Royal Mani- toba Winter Fair. It literally is a con- tinuous loop, because of the amount of moving parts and the amount of complex committees that we have.” Going back many years ago, the fair was solely volunteer run. But it’s

Manitoba’s number one indoor equestrian fair is back this spring break, offering a multitude of events, activities, and experiences for fairgo- ers of all ages. The Royal Manitoba Winter Fair runs from March 25-30 at the Key- stone Centre in Brandon. It’s one of western Canada’s largest agricultural events and one of only two fairs in Canada to receive Royal designation from the late Queen Elizabeth II. It’s also been recognized as one of the top 100 events in North America by the tourism industry, according to the Provincial Exhibition of Manito- ba’s website. The fair is put on by the Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba, a non-profit, charitable organization and registered agricultural society. From world-class show jumping,

» » Continued on Page 7



Continued from Page 6

At the horse show – Manitoba’s number one indoor equestrian show – competitions start early each day in the Westoba Place main arena and the Westoba Ag Centre for showjumping, hackney and heavy horse events. Along with the cattle and horse shows, the TD Acton Stage, petting farmyard and royal experienc- es will also be back this year. Fan favourites Woof

Jocks Canine All Star Show, presented by Fusion Credit Union, are also returning this year. The Magician & The Muse, featuring Sean Watson and Chanelle Munroe, will attempt to dazzle fairgoers with their unique magical experience as part of the

entertainment lineup at this year’s fair. Singer/ songwriter and Canadian entertainment icon Fred Penner will also be among the artists performing at the fair. The 75-year-old began his music career in 1972, according to the Canadian Encyclopedia, and has been entertaining and enchanting generations of Canadian children in the decades since. “Fred Penner is great … we’re really looking for- ward to [that],” Humphries said. “He certainly brings that nostalgia aspect in for the fans that have grown up with him to the next generation of youngsters that are enjoying his entertainment.”

A young rider tries their luck at riding a sheep during the Mutton Busting event at the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair in Westoba Place.  (Tim Smith/The Brandon Sun)

» » Continued on Page 8





Five-year-old Prynely Hannay rides a carousel during the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair. (Tim Smith/The Brandon Sun)

Vicky and Kyle Conrad, their son Canaan and their miniature horse Willow compete in the Tim Horton’s Costume Class event at the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair. (Tim Smith/The Brandon Sun)

Continued from Page 7

Other entertainment options to take in during the fair include the Truco Trick Riders, Jo Jo’s Magic Circus, Doo- dles the Clown, and a variety of Indigenous singers, danc- ers and jiggers and Scottish Highland dancers as well. Although the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair of the modern age features many entertainment options, the focus is still all about agriculture, Humphries said. “The fundamental level is agriculture, awareness, edu- cation, and that connection between rural and city, which is extremely important to us,” he said. “We want to make sure that the agricultural side is represented well, and we educate as we go.” Through education and awareness at the Royal Manito- ba Winter Fair, people of all backgrounds and walks of life will be able to feel connected to the agricultural industry, Humphries said. “Agriculture is an extremely important part of every- body’s world.” Over 100 exhibitors have been confirmed to be at the trade show, which trade show manager Macayla Lyons said in a Facebook post on the Provincial Exhibition’s page is a “significant increase” over last years. This year, the ex- hibitors will be located throughout the Curling Club, Cat- tle Country, UCT Pavilion, Westoba Place, and the main concourse and hallways.

A boy looks at one of the games set up by a trade show vendor during the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair. (Hugo Girouard)

» » Continued on Page 10













Continued from Page 8

The Manitoba Room will be the place for hungry fairgoers to gather to take their pick from a variety of food trucks, and will also feature carnival rides and the Manitoba Hydro Entertain- ment Stage. Further children’s entertainment can be found on the Shur Gro Farm Services Stage in the Keystone Centre Am- phitheatre. Local artist Weimeing Zhao, who has spent his career creat- ing artwork that reflects the ever-changing scenery of western Manitoba, will be at the fair this year exhibiting pieces he paint- ed at last year’s fair. He donated the pieces to the Provincial Ex- hibition of Manitoba for them to put on display during the fair. For tickets to this year’s fair, visit Advance tickets are on sale until March 22 and cost $19 for gen- eral admission and $17 for youth and seniors. After this date, ticket prices at the gate are set at $22.50 for general admission and $20.50 for youth and seniors. This year, tickets purchased after 4 p.m. will be discounted to $16.50. Three-day weekend passes are available for $56 online or $57 at the gate, and six day passes are $106 online or $107 at the gate. Manitoba Hydro will be giving away “free” children’s tickets on the Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba’s website until March 22. One ticket per child per day is available and the tickets only work once. Royal Manitoba Winter Fair 50/50 tickets are also available at the Provincial Exhibition’s website. The grand prize will be drawn on March 30 at 9 p.m. Single tickets cost $5, three tick- ets cost $10, eight tickets cost $20, 35 tickets cost $50, and 100 tickets cost $100. This year, the Provincial Exhibition has guar- anteed a $10,000 jackpot.

One of the local food vendors at the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair. (Hugo Girouard)

» » X: @miraleybourne--

Trigger, a quarter horse from Lucky Break Ranch, puckers up while playing with ranch owner Kim Richardson at the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair in the Keystone Centre. (Tim Smith/The Brandon Sun)



Brooke Robins practices tying leg wraps for horses during a visit to the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair at the Keystone Centre on the opening day. (Tim Smith/The Brandon Sun)

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Proud Supporter of the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair Calf Scramble



Start times are approximate Schedule is subject to change.

Monday, March 25, 2024




6:30 AM

Optional Schooling

North Arena - Westoba Ag Centre of Excellence Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba - Dome Building

7 AM - 10 AM Sunrise Breakfast

Hunter Jumper Classes 2'3" to 3'3" See full schedule at Hunter Jumper Horse Show Opens 0.85, 0.9m, 1.0m, 1.10m, 1.15m, 1.20m Jumper 1: 30 Light Draft Team

9:00 AM

North Arena - Westoba Ag Centre of Excellence

9:00 AM

Westoba Place Main Arena

2:00 Single Harness Pony 3:00 Ladies Team Draft

10 AM - 6 PM Royal Farm Yard 10:30 AM 3 Hat Circus

Flynn Arena

Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage

10:30 AM Pikachu

11:00 AM Doodles the Clown 11:00 AM Magician & The Muse 11:30 AM Magician & The Muse 11:30 AM Hula Hoop Circus

MB Hydro Amphitheatre

Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage

MB Hydro Amphitheatre Manitoba Room + Roaming MB Hydro Amphitheatre Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage

12:00 PM 12:00 PM 12:00 PM 12:30 PM 12:30 PM 12:30 PM 1:00 PM

Super Hero Flash

The Juggling Magic of Jordan

MB Bison Association

Lily Ridge Equine First Aid Demo

Doodles the Clown

MB Hydro Amphitheatre

3 Hat Circus

Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage

Horse Power Reading Program with Prairie Breeze Stables

Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage Manitoba Room + Roaming

1 PM to 4 PM Chase, Skye, Ryder and Marshal Mascots

1:00 PM 1:30 PM 2:00 PM 2:00 PM 2:00 PM 2:00 PM 2:30 PM 2:30 PM 2:30 PM 3:00 PM 3:00 PM 3:00 PM 3:30 PM 3:30 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM

Hula Hoop Circus JoJo's Magic Circus

MB Hydro Amphitheatre MB Hydro Amphitheatre

Meadowind Miniatures 3 Hat Circus Roaming Magician & The Muse WoofJocks Canine All Stars 4-H Manitoba from Booth

Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage Manitoba Room + Roaming

Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage

Westoba Place Main Arena Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage

Magician & The Muse

Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage

Olaf Mascot

Manitoba Room + Roaming Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage

Animal Health and Welfare

3 Hat Circus

Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage

Doodles the Clown Truco Trick Riders Hula Hoop Circus Minion Mascot

MB Hydro Amphitheatre

Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage MB Hydro Amphitheatre Manitoba Room + Roaming Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage MB Hydro Amphitheatre Westoba Place Main Arena Manitoba Room + Roaming

Equine Assisted Learning The Juggling Magic of Jordan

4 PM -5 PM Royal Experiences - Wagon Ho

4:30 PM 4:30 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:30 PM

3 Hat Circus Roaming Magician & The Muse Magician & The Muse

Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage

WoofJocks - The Wonders of WoofJocks

Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage Westoba Place Main Arena

Opening Ceremonies

Gamblers Choice Hackney Pony Pleasure Driving WoofJocks Canine All Stars presented by Fusion Credit Union MLL Volunteer Award Presentation Barrels Truco Trick Riders Men's Cart

7:00 PM

Westoba Place Main Arena

Thank you to the Sponsors of the 2024 Royal Manitoba Winter Fair

East 40 Packers Eurochem Farm Credit Canada Forman Honda Frontier School Division Fortified Nutrition FYI Doctors Gentrice Farms Guild Insurance Group Holiday Inn Express Home Hardware IG Wealth Management Joe Bowcan Funeral Planning, Specialist Kal Tire Keller Developments Keystone Motor Inn Kiwanas Club of Brandon Klondike Farms

Total Farm Supply U-Build United Rentals Velvet Dip Victoria Inn Virden Ag and Parts Viterra Westman Lumber Westman Steel Wheat City Cowtown Wheat City Golf Windsor Plywood WINMAR Workers Compensation Board

Aaron Martin Harness Behlen Industries Blue Water Wash Brandon Bearing Brandon Chrysler Dodge BU School of Music Brightside Dental Canad Inn Cando Rail Service Chemtrade CN Rail Cochrane Farms Compass Credit Union Crane Steel Structures Create Marketing Denray Tire

Murray Chrysler Westman MY IT Source NAERIC Office Innovations P Quintaine & Son Ltd. Patterson LLP Plains Midstream Princess Auto Progressive Sanitation Ritchie Brothers Auctioneers Sherwin Williams Shoppers Mall Sobeys Brandon Extra Sobeys West Sportys Super Thrifty Drugs Swiss Chalet Ted Good Music

Leech Group Lyons Transmission Centre Magnet Signs Manitoba Beef Producers Manitoba Canola Growers

Manitoba Dairy Farmers Manitoba Horse Council Manitoba Simmental Association MASC McKenzie Seeds Meighen Haddad LLP MillcoSteel Molson Coors Montana’s Mowatt Livestock MPI

Days Inn Dominos

Virden Empire Advance

Thank You to our Media Sponsors

Dauphin Herald

Neepwa Banner



Kids play with the sheep at the Royal Petting Zoo during the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair in Brandon. (Create Marketing)

A WOOLLY GOOD TIME Fair a great place to learn about sheep industry

BY MIRANDA LEYBOURNE Local Journalism Initiative

shear them, because [the wool] be- comes laden down with debris, and can become full of parasites, which is detrimental to the animals’ health,” he said. Sheep wool grows continuously, and except for “hair” breeds of sheep – animals that produce hair instead of wool – all sheep need to be sheared at least once a year, the Alberta Lamb Producers website states. In addition to the problems Atkinson mentioned, shearing helps prevent movement is- sues, wool blindness, and overheat- ing. In addition to educating people about how sheep farmers care for their animals, Atkinson also hopes that by seeing sheep and their own- ers at the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair, more people will begin to see lamb as a viable – and delicious – option for protein, alongside poultry, beef and pork.

industry, its website states. Formed in 1904 as the Manito- ba Sheep Breeders Association, the group is also a support and member of the Canadian Sheep Federation, Keystone Agricultural Producers, and the Manitoba Forage & Grassland As- sociation. Atkinson is looking forward to the sheep wrangling event that will take place on the evening of March 28. Although aimed at children, it’s an event that everyone who watches seems to enjoy, he said. “It’s good entertainment for the crowd. The crowd always gets behind those activities.” Education is a huge part of what the Provincial Exhibition of Manito- ba does at the fair, Atkinson said, and the Manitoba Sheep Association will be holding sheep shearing demon- strations to show people how essen- tial this part of caring for the animals truly is. “It’s an animal welfare issue not to

Heavy horses and cattle are making room for some smaller, fluffier fan fa- vourites at this year’s Royal Manitoba Winter Fair. The woolly wonders have long been part of Brandon’s winter fair, which is put on by the Provincial Ex- hibition of Manitoba, in an effort to celebrate the sheep industry across the Prairies and throughout Canada, said Simon Atkinson, chairperson of the Manitoba Sheep Association. “It’s a great place to come out to get some information, and we can point you in other directions, based on your interests,” he said. The association represents over 400 sheep and lamp producers – both commercial and purebred – across Manitoba, and its mission is to ac- tively initiate, support and conduct programs and activities that stimu- late and improve the wellbeing of the

» » Continued on Page 16

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try … which are quite excellent, to be honest.” In addition to the sheep wrangling and shearing events, experts will be on hand from both the meat and wool sides of the sheep industry to share information with people that stop by, Atkinson said. The Manitoba Sheep Association and the farmers and volunteers as- sociated with it are a great addition to each and every Royal Manitoba Winter Fair, said Mark Humphries, the general manager of the Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba. “For some years before this, we’ve been cementing that relationship,” he said. In addition to taking in sheep shearing demonstrations and cheer- ing on participants in the sheep wrangling event, fair goers can get up close and personal with the fluffy an- imals at this year’s petting zoo at the fair.

country has gone up with recent waves of immigrants from countries where the meat is a staple, Atkinson said. And despite a problem with predators such as mountain lions, wolves and coyotes that sheep pro- ducers are currently facing, this could cause the sheep farming industry to grow, he believes. “There’s huge room,” Atkinson said, adding that the more people who are willing to expand their palate and their recipe repertoire, the better. “Some people will just never try it, and other people are always willing to try something new, and that’s all we can ask.” Sheep farmers and representatives from the Manitoba Sheep Association will be on hand at the fair to hand out recipes featuring lamb. Every coun- try and ethnicity has their own take on cooking lamb, so there’s plenty of recipes to go around, Atkinson said. “It’s great to go out and experience new things when it comes to lamb or even goat for that matter,” he said. “We have a lot of recipes that we can

Continued from Page 14

Sheep are still a relatively small agricultural commodity in Canada, and are a lot more present in Europe and South Africa, Atkinson said, but added that he hopes this will soon change. “They’re a very good multipurpose animal. Providing wool and fibre is something that’s very much un- der-recognized. They’re an excellent animal as far as the environment is concerned,” he said. Sheep farms across the country can reduce the impact of climate change through pasture and grassland graz- ing, which improves biodiversity and soil health, the Ontario Sheep Farm- ers website states. Grazing can also be done in orchards and solar sites that offer important environments for pollinators and birds. Sheep also reduce the need for mowing, and wool is a fire that is natural, biode- gradable and renewable. The demand for lamb across the

» » X: @miraleybourne

Public education for Manitoba’s sheep industry includes a shearing demonstration during the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair. (Hugo Giouard)



A young boy feeds a lamb at the Royal Farm Yard during the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair. (Create Marketing)

Fairgoers touch newly shorn wool from a sheep following a demonstration. (Hugo Girouard)



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Start times are approximate Schedule is subject to change.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024




6:30 AM

Optional Schooling

North Arena - Westoba Ag Centre of Excellence

Hunter Jumper Classes 2'3" to 3'3" See full schedule at Hunter Jumper Horse Show Opens 0.85, 0.9m, 1.0m, 1.10m, 1.15m, 1.20m Jumper 1:55 Heavy Draft Team

8:00 AM

North Arena - Westoba Ag Centre of Excellence

8:45 AM

Westoba Place Main Arena

10 AM - 6 PM Royal Farm Yard 10:30 AM 3 Hat Circus

Flynn Arena

Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage

11 AM to 2 PM Co-ops of Westman 4-H Luncheon 11:00 AM Lily Ridge Equine First Aid Demo

Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba - Dome Building

Flynn Arena

11:00 AM Magician & The Muse 11:30 AM Magician & The Muse

Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage

11:30 AM Horse Power Racing Program with Prairie Breeze Stables

Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage

11:30 AM Doodles the Clown

MB Hydro Amphitheatre

12:00 PM 12:00 PM 12:30 PM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM

Juggling Magic of Jordan

Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage

Hula Hoop Circus

MB Hydro Amphitheatre

3 Hat Circus

Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage

Cattle - Kirk Stierwalt Demo - Intro by Star FM

Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage

Doodles the Clown

Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage

1:00 PM - 4:30 PM MB 4-H Speeches

MB Hydro Amphitheatre

1:30 PM 2:00 PM 2:00 PM 2:00 PM 2:00 PM 2:00 PM 2:30 PM 2:30 PM 2:30 PM 3:00 PM 3:00 PM

Hula Hoop Circus

Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage

Meadowind Miniatures

Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage Manitoba Room + Roaming Manitoba Room + Roaming

Minion Mascot

3 Hat Circus Roaming Magician & The Muse

Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage

WoofJocks Canine All Stars presented by Fusion Credit Union

Westoba Place Main Arena Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage

Ag Minister Speaking 4-H Manitoba at Booth

Magician & The Muse JoJo's Magic Circus

Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage

MB Horse Council - Welsh Pony & Cobb Association

Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage

3 Hat Circus

Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage

Single Roadster Pony Youth Team Truco Trick Riders Doodles the Clown

3:00 PM

Westoba Place Main Arena

3:30 PM 3:30 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM

Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage

Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage

Farrier Presentation - Gerd Martin

Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage Manitoba Room + Roaming Westoba Place Main Arena

Super Hero Flash

4 PM - 5 PM Royal Experiences - Mini Horses

4:30 PM 4:30 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:30 PM

3 Hat Circus Roving Magician & The Muse

Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage

WoofJocks - The Wonders of WoofJocks

Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage

Magician & The Muse Opening Ceremonies

Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage

Westoba Place Main Arena

Manitoba Agriculture & Provincial Ex of Manitoba Cup Truco Trick Riders Four Horse Team Draft Barn Yard Challenge MLL Volunteer Award Presentation Single Harness Pony WoofJocks Canine All Stars presented by Fusion Credit Union Barrels

7:00 PM

Westoba Place Main Arena

Sign up and choose your welcome offer up to $150 * Visit or scan the QR code for details. Offer expires March 31, 2025. *Conditions apply.



MAKING CONNECTIONS An interview with Fred Penner

Canadian children’s entertainer Fred Penner will be taking part in this year’s 2024 Royal Manitoba Winter Fair. (Submitted)


“We would listen to records togeth- er, sing and just make sounds. Music seemed to get right inside of her, and so as I started moving into my mu- sical career, I always remembered that,” Penner said. Being an actor put him on stage before singing ever did on Winnipeg’s Rainbow Stage, and the Manitoba Theatre Centre. “Acting was a big part of my learn- ing process, and I can be sponta- neous with the energy from the audi- ence. So, if something happens that could potentially throw things off, I know how to turn that into a posi- tive,” Penner said.

Place was on the air for 12 years, from 1985 to 1997. And he is a four-time Juno winner for Children’s Album of the Year. And there’s no question that kids are his favourite audience, he said, “Making music for children has the potential of making a difference in their lives.” The importance of connecting with children through music came to Pen- ner when he was about 10 years old, growing up in Winnipeg. His young- est sister Susie had Down syndrome, which causes delays in mental and physical development. Susie was non-verbal, and music was one of the ways they bonded, said Penner.

Canadian children’s entertainer Fred Penner says he is already think- ing about what he’ll pack for his trip to Brandon and his performances at this year’s Royal Manitoba Winter Fair. “I’ve got my guitar and a couple of things that I plug in to make to make the sound better. But it’s me, my voice, my guitar, and my energy, and that’s it. It’s really as simple and posi- tive as I can possibly make it,” Penner said during a phone interview from his home on Vancouver Island. Penner’s name has become syn- onymous with entertaining kids. His television show called Fred Penner’s

» » Continued on Page 21



Continued from Page 20

In the late 1970’s, Penner started a children’s dance theatre company, and was given the chance to record an album called, “The Cat Came Back”, which included the single of the same name, a song that he has performed so many times, he’s lost count. “There is certainly a core of songs that I’ll do because I love to sing them. And I know the audience is always an- ticipating “The Cat Came Back”, and “Sandwiches”. Those are number one and two requests, and have been for forever, so I will certainly be doing those and others along the way. De- pending on the energy of the audi- ence, I can go left or go right,” Penner said. Penner chuckled as he talked about how a lot of people in his audience are parents and grandparents who were once kids in the front row.

Children’s entertainer Fred Penner holds up eight-month old Slater Bauereiss during a performance at the Keystone Centre, as part of the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair in 2018. The beloved children’s entertainer will be returning to the Royal this year for a single-day performance. (File/The Brandon Sun)

» » Continued on Page 22

Welcome to the Fair!

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Continued from Page 21

University of Winnipeg, and the Uni- versity of Alberta. And when asked if his celebrity sta- tus was a surprise to him and if he sees himself as a “humble guy”, Penner an- swered, “yes,” to both questions. “I’ve taken none of this for granted. I am so honored and blessed that I’ve been allowed to make music, travel the country, travel the world, and do a 13- year tv series. “It’s all absolutely a miracle that I’ve been able to do this amount of time. “When you go to a Down syndrome conference, it’s check your ego at the door and prepare to be loved, and I learned that from Susie. “We’re all in this together, let’s just try and get along, be a little more toler- ant, a little more understanding, a lit- tle more accepting a little more loving in this world,” Penner said. » with files from Matt Goerzen » X: @enviromichele

army and stationed at Canadian Forc- es Base Shilo. “I love Brandon, and still have rela- tives in the area, so, I’m really excited to come back again,” Penner said. The entertainment committee at the Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba is also looking forward to having Penner perform at the winter fair, said Mark Humphries, general manager of the organization. “We’re always looking for that good, clean family entertainment and Fred ticks every box. It’s good clean fami- ly fun and I think that - to be honest - is worth a mint, and that’s why we reached out to him. “Because families make up a lot of history at the fair and it’s one of those things that people like to pass on. It’s that bit of nostalgia factor, building that bridge from one generation to an- other. And Fred did that for us,” Hum- phries said. Past honours that Penner has re- ceived include three honourary doc- torates from Canadian universities including, Brandon University, the

“I’m singing to the parents and the grandparents, the ones who came to see my shows years ago, so, I’m singing to them, and I and I’ll make comments to the parents along the way, so they feel like they are heard. “Then when the families are going home after the performance, the care- givers can talk to the kids about what they just experienced, like ‘what was your favorite song, did you did you en- joy the show, and how are you feeling’. “So, I take that as part of my re- sponsibility to share a song, a story, a thought, a feeling, and an idea. Some- thing that you will take home with you, and it may encourage discussion with your family,” Penner said. Penner is scheduled for two perfor- mances March 27 at the RMFW, one show in the morning, and one show in the afternoon. He has family in and around Bran- don, with cousins in Oak Lake and Gladstone. His knowledge of Westman comes from his dad who was in the

Famed children’s entertainer Fred Penner performs in a full amphitheatre during an afternoon session of the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair in 2014. Fred will be returning to the 2024 edition of the Royal for a one-day performance. (File/Brandon Sun)



Where Westman Comes Together: The Keystone Centre is located on Treaty 2 territory, traditional shared land between the Dakota, Ojibway, and Métis peoples. We at the Keystone Centre acknowledge and respect the history, land and the people of the area we reside. On behalf of the Keystone Centre, welcome to the traditional homelands of the Dakota, Anishinabek, Oji-Cree, Cree, Dene and Métis peoples.

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Start times are approximate Schedule is subject to change.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024



6:30 AM

Optional Schooling

North Arena - Westoba Ag Centre of Excellence

Hunter Jumper Classes 2'3" to 3'6" Young Horse Jumper Schooling See full schedule at Hunter Jumper Horse Show Opens 0.85, 0.9m, 1.0m, 1.10m, 1.15m, 1.20m Jumper

7:00 AM

North Arena - Westoba Ag Centre of Excellence

9:00 AM

Westoba Place Main Arena

10 AM - 6 PM Royal Farm Yard

Flynn Arena

10:30 AM Lily Ridge Equine First Aid Demo

Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage

10:30 AM 3 Hat Circus 10:30 AM Pikachu

Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage

Manitoba Room + Roaming MB Hydro Amphitheatre Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage

11:00 AM Doodles the Clown

11:00 AM Draft Horse Youth Decorating 11:00 AM Magician & The Muse 11:30 AM Magician & The Muse

Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage

11:30: AM Horse Power Reading Program with Prairie Breeze Stables

Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage

11:30 AM Fred Penner

MB Hydro Amphitheatre

12:00 PM 12:00 PM 12:30 PM 12:30 PM 1:00 PM

Hula Hoop Circus

Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage

Fred Penner

MB Hydro Amphitheatre MB Hydro Amphitheatre

JoJo's Magic Circus

3 Hat Circus

Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage

Cattle - Kirk Stierwalt Demo - Intro by Star FM

Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage Manitoba Room + Roaming Manitoba Room + Roaming MB Hydro Amphitheatre

1PM to 4 PM Chase, Skye, Ryder & Marshal Mascots

1:00 PM 1:30 PM 1:30 PM 2:00 PM 2:00 PM 2:00 PM 2:00 PM 2:00 PM 2:30 PM 2:30 PM 2:30 PM 2:30 PM 3:00 AM

Minion Mascot

Doodles the Clown Hula Hoop Circus Six Horse Draft Team 3 Hat Circus Roaming Magician & The Muse

Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage

Westoba Place Main Arena Manitoba Room + Roaming

Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage

Fred Penner

MB Hydro Amphitheatre

Meadowind Miniatures 4-H Manitoba at Booth

Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage

Flynn Arena

Fred Penner

MB Hydro Amphitheatre

Magician & The Muse

Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage

Olaf Mascot 3 Hat Circus

Manitoba Room + Roaming

Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage

WoofJocks Canine All Stars presented by Fusion Credit Union Hackney Pony Pleasure Driving Youth Cart

3:00 PM

Westoba Place Main Arena

3:00 PM 3:00 PM 3:30 PM 3:30 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM

The Juggling Magic of Jordan

MB Hydro Amphitheatre

MB Horse Council: Welsh Pony & Cobb Association

Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage

Truco Trick Riders Hula Hoop Circus Doodles the Clown

MB Hydro Amphitheatre

Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage

Equine Assisted Learning

Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage Westoba Place Main Arena

4 PM - 5 PM Royal Experiences - Rodeo Trials

4:30 PM 4:30 PM 4:30 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM

3 Hat Circus Roving Super Hero Flash Magician & The Muse

Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage

Manitoba Room + Roaming

Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage

WoofJocks - The Wonders of WoofJocks

Flynn Arena TD Ag Action Stage

Magician & The Muse Opening Ceremonies

Manitoba Room - Royal Court Yard Stage

Westoba Place Main Arena MB Hydro Amphitheatre

Fiddlers Contest

Dog / Horse Relay Open Cart MLL Volunteer Award Presentation Provincial Ex of Manitoba Youth Obstacle Course Ladies Cart Feed Team Race Single Roadster Pony Truco Trick Riders

7:00 PM

Westoba Place Main Arena





A horse and rider leap a fence during the Hunter Jumper Showjumping at the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair. (Tim Smith/The Brandon Sun)


THE HORSE The horses are the product of long and patient work, studying genetics and hours of training. The young horse begins their sporting life at three with light schooling and usu- ally takes part in their first competi- tions at four. A good horse starts to be successful at eight, and is at the peak of their career from 10 to 15, but can keep performing until the age of 20. THE RIDER The rider is the pilot who usually

begins to ride at a young age. The rider is the brain of this “athlete combination”. The rider must have skill and talent: an eye, and a sense of balance not to disturb the horse. He/she is the one who “moulds” the horse, requiring years of work, education, dressage, and patience. On the course, the eye of the rider and their ability to make quick deci- sions are as important as the skill of the horse, his physical aptitude, his carefulness, etc.

Each night of the fair features some of Canada’s top equestrian show jumping. Riders and horses from all over Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Ontario and the Midwest United States will be vying for a share of over $140,000 in cash prizes. Judged on their performance, rid- ers and horses must complete a set pattern of jumps. Show jumping is the only sport where two living be- ings compete together: a horse and a rider.

» » Continued on Page 29



Continued from Page 28

ARENA The arena is the stage. Westman Place has a capacity of more than 5,000 specta- tors and during show time; it is filled with people, TV cameras and, in the arena, the obstacles surrounded by decorations (flowers etc.) which may distract the hors- es. COMBINATION A combination is a series of two or three fences separated by one or two cantering strides. If the horse refuses one fence of the combination or runs out between two elements, the pair has to jump all two or three fences again. A combination is con- sidered as one obstacle (with two or three difficulties). COURSE-DESIGNER Sets the course and obstacles accord- ing to class specifications that will test the horse and rider as well as provide enter- tainment for the audience.

A competitor takes part in Hunter Jumper show jumping during the 2023 Royal Manitoba Winter Fair at The Keystone Centre. (Create Marketing)

» » Continued on Page 30

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Continued from Page 29

ELIMINATION After a second stop (refusal) or a fall of the horse and/or the rider, the pair is elim- inated. JUMP-OFF It’s the “tie-break”: the jump-off takes place at the end of some Table A classes to decide between the competitors placed equally after the main round. The jump-off course is shorter and different to that of the first round and is against the clock. MIXED Show jumping is one of the very few sports in which male and female compet- itors (both horses and riders) compete in the same classes. OBSTACLES (FENCES OR JUMPS) There are two major types of obstacles: wide (spread-jumps) and vertical. The lat- ter is a fence comprising at least two poles arranged vertically. Stride One of the main difficulties of show jumping lies in the way the riders will man- age the strides of their horses between the fences. One cantering stride of a horse cov- ers approximately 3.50 meters. The rider can shorten or lengthen the strides in order to adjust their number between two fenc- es so that the horse can jump the obstacle in good conditions, taking off neither too close nor too far. TABLE Different scoring systems are used to place the competitors at the end of the class. The most common is the “Table A” where jumping faults or the first refusal generate four penalty points. Time faults may be added to the final result: one point for every four seconds over the allowed time. In “Table C” classes, jumping faults are converted into seconds added to the time taken to complete the course. WALKING THE COURSE Once the course has been built by the course-designer, the riders are allowed to “walk the course” with their coaches in or- der to memorize the design the route, to calculate the number of strides between the obstacles positioned close together and to locate the short-cut and other way to save time in case of a speed-class or in view of a prospective jump-off.

Karly Woods leaps over a fence atop Maverick during the Playnow Challenge Cup evening show-jumping event at the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair in Westoba Place.  (Tim Smith/The Brandon Sun)

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