Royal MB Winter Fair | 2024



Continued from Page 20

In the late 1970’s, Penner started a children’s dance theatre company, and was given the chance to record an album called, “The Cat Came Back”, which included the single of the same name, a song that he has performed so many times, he’s lost count. “There is certainly a core of songs that I’ll do because I love to sing them. And I know the audience is always an- ticipating “The Cat Came Back”, and “Sandwiches”. Those are number one and two requests, and have been for forever, so I will certainly be doing those and others along the way. De- pending on the energy of the audi- ence, I can go left or go right,” Penner said. Penner chuckled as he talked about how a lot of people in his audience are parents and grandparents who were once kids in the front row.

Children’s entertainer Fred Penner holds up eight-month old Slater Bauereiss during a performance at the Keystone Centre, as part of the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair in 2018. The beloved children’s entertainer will be returning to the Royal this year for a single-day performance. (File/The Brandon Sun)

» » Continued on Page 22

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