Royal MB Winter Fair | 2024



Appreciating the agricultural community

On behalf of the Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba, I would like to welcome you to the 2024 Royal Manitoba Winter Fair. We look forward to showcasing ag- riculture at its finest with world- class equestrian events, cattle country as well as our Ag Aware- nessStage. Be sure to check out our trade show throughout the building and the Royal Food Court. Take a break, enjoy some fair food, and watch one of the many entertain- ment acts we have going on at our fair. Take a stroll to the North End Arena and watch the next gener- ation of riders and pop in to our petting zoo to see some cuddly animals. The Woof Jocks are back

this year and are sure to entertain spectators of all ages. Our event is not possible with- out the generous support of our exceptional sponsors and sup- port from the many exhibitors who travel from all over Canada and the United States to be at our event. Thank you to our staff, volunteers and board of di- rectors, for the countless hours they put in to ensure a success- ful event. It is our hope you leave our event educated, entertained, and with a renewed appreciation for agriculture.

Clint Swain President Provincial Exhibition

Clint Swain President, Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba

Making memories, traditions, at the fair

If you are reading this in our Brandon Sun Booklet, congrat- ulations you have arrived at the 2024 Royal Manitoba Winter Fair! Perhaps this is your first time, or the 54th time of attending, whatever the number, we wel- come and value your patronage. Collaborating with our part- ners at The Keystone Centre, our board of directors, volunteers, and staff strive to bring world- class entertainment to this first- class facility. Exciting equestrianism, enter- tainment, retail shopping, and fair cuisine, can be found here in Brandon Manitoba at The Fair. As a patron, you join loyal and valued sponsors who make this event possible. Without contin- ued support this local econom-

ic driving force would not exist. Please take the time to recognize all our business partners who have pledged financial and or operational support. The Provin- cial Exhibition of Manitoba also receives continued support from The Provincial Government of Manitoba and The City of Bran- don, for which we are grateful. A resolute team of staff works tirelessly behind the scenes to bring this event together. Our reward will be if you “Take the Leap” to make lasting memories, new family traditions, and enjoy all the fun that we bring to you at the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair.

Mark Humphries General manager, Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba

Mark Humphries General Manager Provincial Exhibition

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