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With more than 140 individual booths and a diverse range of at- tractions, the Trade Show is poised to captivate the audience’s interest and contribute significantly to the success of the Royal Manitoba Win- ter Fair. Humphries is also grateful that he’s overseeing a Winter Fair that more closely resembles a pre-pan- demic era. “The trade show is looking ex- tremely well,” he said. “The exhib- itors are happy coming back in. En- tertainment is still fully booked. The Keystone Centre has had plenty of time to work with us. So we’re looking forward to it.” Provincial Exhibition members se- lected Humphries as their new gen- eral manager in fall of 2022. Though Humphries hasn’t previously held any position with the Provincial Exhi- bition, he made a name for himself in the broader Westman community as an entrepreneur, opening the West- wood Ranch Garden Centre near Elk- horn.
An exhibitor at the trade show offers a demonstration of his product during the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair. (Hugo Girouard)
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First Aid Training Upstairs in the Shoppers Mall
Save on a First Aid Kit Come See Our Therapy Dogs Visit Our Booth at the UCT Pavillion
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