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he said. “It’s one of those things that becomes a family tradition almost, so you look forward to it every year.” The RMWF, known for its Roy- al designation from Queen Eliz- abeth II and recognition as one of the Top 100 Events in North America, promises a rich tapes- try of activities, including world- class show jumping, heavy horse competitions, livestock sales, hands-on agricultural education programs, live entertainment, and a plethora of exhibits. As the Trade Show gears up for its grand showcase, Brandon res- idents and visitors alike eagerly await the economic and cultur- al impact this event will bring to the region. Stay tuned for live coverage and highlights as the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair un- folds its spectacle in the heart of Manitoba. The Royal Manitoba Winter Fair runs March 25-30.
After turning this facility into a popular tourist destination, the Humphries family announced last summer that they would be shutting down the animal ranch and running the facility as a re- tail garden centre and green- house moving forward. During his time living in West- man, having immigrated to Man- itoba in 2008, Humphries was also known for indulging in plen- ty of other community activities, playing a variety of instruments in a big band that originated from his native England. Now approaching his second year with Provincial Ex from July 2022, Humphries hopes that he and his team can bring a similar level of energy and excitement to this year’s Winter Fair, especially given its reputation for attracting attendees from all over the coun- try. “It’s one of those events that if you haven’t been before you cer- tainly must put it on your list,”
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