Welcome to the 2024 Royal Manitoba Winter Fair
Candace Bowles Executive Board of Directors
Wayne Buhr Director
Clint Swain President
We are so pleased to bring you the 2024 Royal Manitoba Winter Fair. Each year the Directors and staff of the Provincial Exhibition of Manito- ba plan for months to bring you this great event. In 2024, Take the Leap & Come to the Fair. Whether it is the jumping of horses, Woof Jocks or a Jump for Joy to see Friends and Family come and join us for the week and enjoy the best valued entertainment you can have, With the fantastic support of our many sponsors and volunteers we have put together a show that you can enjoy for days. While you may come for the en- tertainment you will go away enter- tained, educated, fed and happy. Our Ag Education stage is full of demon- strations from cattle handling, to pet care. The adjacent Royal Farm Yard lets you experience working Dairy, poultry and hog operations as well as some memory making time with the animals in the petting zoo.
Our Royal Food Court in the Man- itoba room is returning bigger and better for 2024. Wednesday is our RBC Family Day, with Fred Penner as the feature entertainer for the day. We are pleased to have our trade show bringing you many new prod- ucts. We are keeping our advance ticket pricing the same as last year. See our website for free kids tickets brought to you by Manitoba Hydro and dis- counted full gate admissions avail- able until Friday March 22, 2024. With two arenas packed full of equestrian events and 3 entertain- ment stages packed full each day the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair provides some of the best entertainment val- ue you can find. Our feature horse shows are supported by great sponsors like Wawanesa Insurance, PlayNow. com, Prairie Ram dealers, and ATCO. Our Heavy Horse show has a num- ber of new features this year with a chore competition demonstrating
hard work and skill of both animal and driver. Sponsors like Tim Hor- tons, Brandon Sun, Manitoba Hy- dro, Mazergroup and Bell MTS help us bring you the heavy horse events. You, our patrons and exhibitors are key to the success of the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair. Take the opportunity to come to the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair March 25 through March 30 to build your community and family. On behalf of Candace, Clint, & Wayne, the co-chairs of the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair, come and en- joy our event. It is always a pleasure to host you. We ask that you show your gratitude to the volunteers, sponsors and exhibitors who have come together to bring you a great show.
Candace Bowles, Clint Swain & Wayne Buhr
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