Royal MB Winter Fair | 2024



LIVE BROADCAST A FIRST FOR THE ROYAL MANITOBA WINTER FAIR Assiniboine Community College Media & Communications instructor Greg Sherris works the control room for the Westoba Arena as screens display show jumping video from the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair. For the first time, the fair’s professional show jumping com- petitions will be broadcast live on social media apps, and ACC students will gain valuable experience as part of the production. (Matt Goerzen/The Brandon Sun)


day he works as a video instructor for the college. But at five o’clock he switches hats to become the produc- er/director of the evening show at the Keystone Centre for Wheat Kings’ games and several other major events that come to town. No stranger to the RMWF, Sherris has been helping to produce the evening Royal show for several years. “What’s different this year is that the evening show is going to be live streamed on a couple of different vendors,” Sherris said. “We’re not strangers to live streaming – we live stream sports, we live stream events. There’s a bit of new technology that’s going to be used.” The broadcasts, which will be sole- ly focused on show jumping events during the day and in the evening competition, will go out on two dif- ferent smartphone applications: ShowGroundsLive and ClipMyHorse.

on site to have their first big event ex- perience while they’re still in school. This included learning to shoot some horse jumping and other entertain- ment events, recording, producing, interviewing, and bringing all of that back to the editing room to use for the evening. “We use a little bit of that con- tent and created a bit of an archive for them and help to take some of the mystique and frankly, some of the fear and misgivings that stu- dents might have who’ve never been around to agriculture before, who’ve never been been to a big event be- fore.,” ACC instructor Greg Sherris said. “I think it’s been very instructive to them, very helpful to them to learn how those kinds of things occur. And that precedes, you know, their first job, which I think is good industry preparation for them.” When it comes to video produc- tion, Sherris wears a pair of hats. By

In an effort to reach out to new na- tional and international audiences, the Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba has partnered with Assiniboine Com- munity College’s Media and Commu- nications program to broadcast the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair live for the first time in its history. “This is the first time its going to be broadcast live on a social media platform,” said Provincial Ex gener- al manager Mark Humphries. “The competitors will be able to buy their horse clips of their own rounds. And if you’re somewhere else in the coun- try, you can join live and watch.” The Royal here in Brandon has long been a part of the media ex- perience for ACC students who are cutting their teeth in audio and vid- eo production. Nearly a decade ago, the college decided that it would be a good opportunity for students to be

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