welcomes the return of the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair
LOCATION Keystone Centre, Brandon, Manitoba Entrances: 18th Street and 13th Street FAIR DATES and TIMES (7:00 a.m. on Monday, March 25 for Sunrise Breakfast $8. Non-perishable food donation appreciated.) See daily schedules for event and show times
GATE ADMISSION General Admission
PARKING FREE with paid admission
$23.00 $21.00
Seniors (65+) Youth (13-17)
Mon. March 25 – Sat. March 30 Gates open daily 8 a.m.- 8 p.m. INFORMATION KIOSKS Located throughout the grounds (see grounds map for details). Knowledgeable and friendly volunteers are available to make it easier to find your way around the fair. *Includes all taxes, gate fees and Keystone improvement fees. **Advance tickets on sale now courtesy of RBC – available on our website only. $21.00 $11.00 Children (6-12) Under 6 FREE After 4pm $17.00 (General/Senior/Youth) 3-Day Pass $60 6-Day Pass $110
204-726-3590 | provincialexhibition.com
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