Royal MB Winter Fair | 2024



Five-year-old Prynely Hannay rides a carousel during the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair. (Tim Smith/The Brandon Sun)

Vicky and Kyle Conrad, their son Canaan and their miniature horse Willow compete in the Tim Horton’s Costume Class event at the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair. (Tim Smith/The Brandon Sun)

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Other entertainment options to take in during the fair include the Truco Trick Riders, Jo Jo’s Magic Circus, Doo- dles the Clown, and a variety of Indigenous singers, danc- ers and jiggers and Scottish Highland dancers as well. Although the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair of the modern age features many entertainment options, the focus is still all about agriculture, Humphries said. “The fundamental level is agriculture, awareness, edu- cation, and that connection between rural and city, which is extremely important to us,” he said. “We want to make sure that the agricultural side is represented well, and we educate as we go.” Through education and awareness at the Royal Manito- ba Winter Fair, people of all backgrounds and walks of life will be able to feel connected to the agricultural industry, Humphries said. “Agriculture is an extremely important part of every- body’s world.” Over 100 exhibitors have been confirmed to be at the trade show, which trade show manager Macayla Lyons said in a Facebook post on the Provincial Exhibition’s page is a “significant increase” over last years. This year, the ex- hibitors will be located throughout the Curling Club, Cat- tle Country, UCT Pavilion, Westoba Place, and the main concourse and hallways.

A boy looks at one of the games set up by a trade show vendor during the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair. (Hugo Girouard)

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